The East Cinematograph Company, Ltd. has been registered under the Hongkong Companies Ordinance. It is the intention of this Company to build several cinematograph halls in the colony and elsewhere, and a start has been made at Yaumati, where the 'Tai-Yat' (No. 1) hall is already well on the way to completion, with Mr. Clark as the architect. This hall is expected ready for occupation for Chinese New Year and will accommodate 463 people. It is modern in every respect and equipped specially for the Chinese of that district. The company's apparatus and pictures, the very latest from Europe, have already come forward. A series of shows have been arranged for the various military corps in the colony. On the 20th the pictures were shown at the R. E. Theatre to the Royal Engineers, and their families. Messrs. P. Soffietti and Co., the sole agents of the well-known Milano films, have entered into an exclusive contract with the Eastern Cinematograph Company for the production of their films.
Eastern Cinematograph Company: New Picture Halls for Hongkong
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