It is an article on colour printing which appears in the Times Engineering Supplement for July. 'Coloured Cinema Pictures': The research work that has been carried out with colour sensitising dyes has had its effect on colour cinematography, and of one new process at least a good deal is likely to be heard and seen before long. It is a two-colour process in which the previous difficulty of the registration of the two images on the screen has been overcome and the natural colour rendering is little short of perfection. Whether or not this process is the one now being adopted in America is uncertain, but a drama is being prepared in natural colours throughout the first of its kind – which will mark a new era in motion picture photography. It may be taken for granted that the results, as regards the faithfulness of colour reproduction, achieve a high degree of excellence, as ordinary cinematography has reached a stage of development: at which imperfect colour rendering would scarcely be tolerated.
Natural Colour Printing: Remarkable Developments
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