There appear the so-called 'talking pictures,' a synchronization of the cinematograph and the phonograph by electrical science, are already in craze in London and Paris. So premising have been these reproductions of plays and operas that two prominent producers, Charles Frohman and…
The author of 'Quo Vadis' has sold the rights of reporting his works, on films to a European Syndicate for 1.25 billion francs, and a similar right to an American Company for a like sum.
A remarkable incident is reported from Whistable. During the exhibition of the 'Quo Vadis' films at the local picture palace one visitor became greatly agitated, and was overcome by his emotion that he fainted and had to be carried out of the building. It was reported that the visitor…
The article mentioned the strong growth of the cinema business in Great Britain and America. These important and interesting facts of the wonderful growth of cinema are given by Mr. Valentia Steer in his book, The Romance of the Cinema. Mr. Steer also mentioned the cinematograph has caught the…
Six years ago the total number of employees in cinematograph theatres in Great Britain was about 500. They now exceed 125,000. Their weekly wage-bill probably runs into £250,000 or more. The number of people visiting the cinemas per week must be well over eight million. These and many other…
Films screening of 'The Last Ray of Sunshine'; Screening of Gaumont Graphic; Coming films: 'Quo Vadis' and 'Battle of Waterloo'
Film screening of 'The Cowboy Millionaires'; Screening of Gaumont Graphic and somc comic pictures; Coming pictures: 'Quo Vadis' and 'The Battle of Waterloo'
Film screening of 'The Bread Carrier' (3 parts, 4,000 ft); Coming pictures: 'Quo Vadis' and 'The Battle of Waterloo'
Film screening of 'Sheridan Ride' (in 2 parts); Screening of Gaumont Graphic; Coming pictures: 'Quo Vadis' and 'The Battle of Waterloo'
Film screening of 'The Girl Thief' (in 2 parts); Coming pictures: 'Quo Vadis' and 'The Battle of Waterloo'
The Victoria Theatre promises soon to produce the magnificent film 'Quo Vadis', also 'The Battle of Waterloo.' The latter, which is 6,000ft. in length, is to be screened next week. 'The Trio,' three special artistes, are booked to appear.
Film screening of 'A Tragedy at the Court of Milan'; Coming film: 'The Battle of Waterloo' and 'Quo vadis'; Coming performances by Martinetti-Grossi-Moret
Films screening of 'A Conspiracy Against Murat' (in 2 parts); Debut performance of Martinetti-Grossi-Moret; Coming film: 'Quo Vadis' (8,000 ft)
Film screening of 'Ida, the Queen of the Air' (in 3 parts, 4,000 ft); Performances by Martinetti-Grossi-Moret; Coming film: 'Quo Vadis' (8,000 ft)
Films screening of 'Don Juan After Don Juan of Austria' (2 parts); Performances by Martinetti-Grossi-Moret; Coming film: 'Tigris' and 'Quo Vadis'
It is probable that no film has ever been shown anywhere that created a greater sensation than 'Quo Vadis,' in six parts, which will be shown at the Victoria Theatre shortly. The enterprising management has also arranged for two companion films dealing with Ancient Rome, 'Anthony…
Film screening of 'Tigris' (in 3 parts; Performances by Martinetti-Grossi-Moret; Coming film: 'Quo Vadis'
Films screenings entitled 'In the Clutch of Apaches' or The Adventures of Child, in the Hands of an Apache Gang (in 4 parts); Coming: 'Quo Vadis', 'Last Days of Pompeii', 'Protea', and 'The Ghost Club'
Patrons of the Victoria Theatre find plenty of thrills in the detective drama entitled 'In the Clutch of the Apaches,' which depicts, in four parts, the adventures of a child in the hands of an Apache gang. Some fine film treats are coming, including 'Quo Vadis,' 'Last…
The approaching majority of kinematography may well call for a brief review of the extraordinary growth of the industry since that eventful day in 1893 when at the World's Fair, Chicago, Thomas Edison's kinetoscope was introduced to an amazed public. Facts about the picture industry in…