The magnificent coloured drama, 'The Secret of the Well' in 4 parts, 5,000 feet long, on Friday, 27th November. Other pictures including 'Millionaire Milkman,' 'Womanly Curiosity' and 'Bad Desire.' The second series of war pictures is coming on next…
Coming films screenings including 'The Secret of The Well', 'Millionaire Milkman', 'Womanly Curiosity' and 'Bad Desire'; Coming screening of the 2nd Series War pictures
Films screenings including 'The Secret of The Well', 'Millionair Milkman', 'Womanly Curiosity' and 'Bad Desire'; Coming screening of the 2nd Series War pictures
There is a very good programme at the Victoria Theatre, the principal picture being 'The Secret of the Well.' 'Bad Desire,' 'The Millionaire Milkman,' and 'Womanly Curiosity' are also shown.
Screening of 'The Secret of the Well' (color) and 'The Tie That Binds'; Orchestra in attendance at every Sunday
On June 16, showing detective drama (colour film), 'The Secret of the Well' in 4 parts; also an absorbing photo-drama 'The Tie that Binds' in 2 parts.
Tonight: Screening of 'The Secret of the Well' (color) and 'The Tie That Binds'; Orchestra in attendance at every Sunday