A History Of Film Exhibition And Reception In Colonial Hong Kong: 1897 To 1925
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Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1916-08-08 - 1916-08-10

Change of Programme: 'Temptation' in 3 parts, 'In the Secret Service', 'Eclair Gazette', 'Rebecca's Wedding Day' (Keystone Comic), 'Love and Dynamity' (Keystone Comic) and 'The Panama Canal' (3rd Series)

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-08 - 1916-08-10

Change of programme tonight: 'Temptation' in 3 parts, showing how Jack Caldwell, a young inventor of a new controlable torpedo, after many exciting events, finally won the day; 'In the Secret Service' in 2 parts; 'Eclair Gazette'; 'Rebecca's Wedding Day…

Headline: Palisade
Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1916-08-08 - 1916-08-10

(Out-of-door pictures, location near post office, Kowloon) Temptation in 3 parts tonight. The third series of the Panama Canal is released. Drama including 'In the Secret Service' (in 2 parts). Eclair gazette (topical) included. Comics including 'Rebecca's Wedding Day'…

Headline: Bijou Theatre
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1917-10-10 - 1917-10-12

Screening of 'The Boer War' and Keystone Comedies: 'Rebecca's Wedding Day' and 'Love in Armor'; Coming film: 'Gloria's Romance'