So successful has been the exhibition of the film 'Les Miserables' at the Apollo Theatre, Shanghai, and so great the demand for seats, that the management decided to continue the same programme for 3 nights. We understand this magnificent film will be shown in Hongkong at an early date…
Tonight at 9.15, 'Great Gale on the Home Coast' (Pathe Gazette), 'The Adventures of Dick and Harry,' 'The Timid Lovers,' 'Max Convalescent' [sic], 'The Luxembourg Gardens'; performance by Stephano and Bonetta; look out for 'Les Miserables,…
Tonight at 9:15 p.m. including 'Great Gale on Home Coast,' 'The Adventures of Dick and Harry,' 'The Timid Lovers,' 'Max Convalescent' [sic] and 'The Luxembourg Gardens.' Performances by Miss Cecile Stephano and Miss Violet Bonetta. Artistes at…
Screening of The Latest News; Performance by Miss Violet Bonetta and Miss Cecile Stephano; 'Les Miserables' will be produced at the Victoria Theatre under the combined direction of Mr. R. H. Stephenson and Messrs Ramos and Ramos
Tonight at 9.15, all new pictures, dramas and comics; The Latest News (Pathe Gazettes); performance by Bonetta and Stephano; next week, 'Les Miserables' (from the world story of Victor Hugo) will be produced at the Victoria Theatre.
Tonight at 9:15 p.m. All new pictures, dramas, comics and latest news of Pathe Gazette. Performances by Miss Violet Bonetta and Miss Cecile Stephano. 'Les Miserables' is coming and be produced in Victoria Theatre next week.
Dance performance by Miss Freda Ardea; Film screening of 'A Lion Let Loose' and 'The 2 Loves';'Les Miserables' will be produced at the Victoria Theatre, which under the combined direction of Mr. R. H. Stephenson and Messrs Ramos and Ramos
Two performances at 7.15 pm for films and 9.15 pm for full programme; performance by Ardla; the magnificent picture 'A Lion Let Loose' and 'The Two Loves'; about end of March, 'Les Miserables' (from the world-story by Victor Hugo) will be produced at Victoria…
Film sreening of 'A Husband's Generosty', 'Niagara Falls', 'Pathe Gazette', 'A Tight Fit', 'The Lumber-room Chest' and 'Soldiers in Morocco'; Performances by Miss Cecile Stephano and Miss Violet Bonetta; Coming: 'Les…
Tonight at 9.15, 'A Husband's Generosity' (drama), 'Niagara Falls' (scenic), Pathe Gazette (news in pictures), 'A Tight Fit,' 'The Lumber-room Chest,' and 'Soldiers in Morocco'; performance by Stephano and Bonetta; look out for 'Les…
Tonight at 9:15 p.m. including the drama, 'A Husband's Generosity'; the scenic, 'Niagara Falls'; the comics, 'A Tight Fit,' 'The Lumber-room Chest' and 'Soldiers in Morocco.' News of the day (of Pathe Gazette) is included. Performances by…
Films screenings including 'Max Linder's Appointment', 'On the Way to Montserrat', 'A Young Terror - Bashful Wiffles' and News in Pictures by Pathe Gazette and Gaumont Graphic; Performances by Miss Cecile Stephano and Miss Violet Bonetta; Coming: 'Les…
Two performances at 7.15 pm for films and 9.15 pm for full programme; performance by Coleman; on Wednesday, 'Les Miserables'; performance by Galinsky.
Tonight at 9:15 p.m. Max Linder's Appointment including 'On the Way to Montserrat,' 'A Young Terror' and 'Bashful Wiffles.' News in pictures (of Pathe Gazette and Gaumont Graphic) is included. Performances by Miss Violet Bonetta and Miss Cecile Stephano. '…
Tonight at 9.15, 'Max Linder's Appointment,' 'On the Way to Moniserrat,' 'A Young Terror,' 'Bashful Wiffles'; News in Pictures, Pathe Gazette and Gaumont Graphic; performance by Bonetta and Stephano; look out for 'Les Miserables.'
Saturday night's programme at the Bijou, including St. Patricks tide, Miss Stephano and Miss Violet Bouettes' singing, is extremely good. A film portraying Victor Hugo's novel 'Les Miserables' will be exhibited about the end of the month at the Victoria, under the joint…
Film screening of 'The Iron Master' (3,000 ft) and 'Les Miserables'; Coming film: 'Aviator's Secret'; Performances by Miss Arkas and Freda Ardea
The great Éclair film 'The Iron Master,' 3,000 ft. long, an enormous success wherever shown; look out for the great picture 'Les Miserables,' which will be produced in a few days.
The great Eclair film, 'The Iron Master,' 3,000 ft. long, an enormous success wherever shown; look out for the great picture, 'Les Miserables,' which will be produced in a few days; performances by the Thunderbolt Man, Alexander Galinsky, Arkas, and Freda Ardea.
Look out for the great picture 'Les Miserables'; Performances by Miss Arkas and Freda Ardea