Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1919-07-02 - 1919-07-02
In proof of which, see tonight's programme, when D. W. Griffith presents Douglas Fairbanks in 'The Lamb' followed by the fine Triangle comedy, 'The Feathered Nest.' And don't forget that the Coronet is cool and comfortable.
Headline: The Coronet
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1919-07-02 - 1919-07-05
D. W. Griffith presents Douglas Fairbanks in 'The Lamb' followed by the fine Triangle Comedy 'The Feathered Nest' and don't forget the Coronet is cool and comfortable. July 2 remarks: Booking at Robinson's. July 5 remarks: 'The Romance of Tarzan.'