Headline: The Coronet: Tel. No. 1743.
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1919-05-08 - 1919-05-10
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Norma Talmadge in 'The Social Secretary.' Also Pathe British Gazette Nos. 520-521, 'Teddy at the Throttle' and Smith and Jackson, at them or with them--you have to laugh. Booking at Robinson's.
Headline: The Coronet
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1919-05-08 - 1919-05-10
Tonight, Norma Talmadge in 'The Social Secretary.' Pathe British Gazette Nos. 520-521. (The British Fleet is German Waters.) 'Teddy at the Throttle.' Smith and Jackson, at them or with them, you have to laugh. Booking Robinson's.
Headline: The Coronet: Tel. No. 1743
Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1919-05-09 - 1919-05-10
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Norma Talmadge in 'The Social Secretary.' Pathe British Gazette, Nos. 520-521. (The British Fleet in German waters.) 'Teddy at the Throttle.' Smith and Jackson at them or with them – you have to laugh. Booking at Robinson's. May 10 Remarks…