Performance by Victoria and Sheridan; a fine selection of pictures, including 'American Weekly,' 'British Gazette,' and 'Nick Winter Finds the Stolen Joconda.'
For 4 nights only, commencing May 23, the great sensational drama 'Out on the Deep' (length 10,000 feet in 8 parts); also British & German Gazette; last 2 nights of 'The Gibson Girls.'
From Mar 15-18, 9.15 pm performance, Pearl White in 'The Fatal Ring,' episode 1 (3 parts) 'The Purple Diamond,' episode 2 (2 parts) 'The Crushing Walls'; British & American Gazettes.
From Apr 5-7, 7th and 8th episodes of 'The Fatal Ring,' 'The Signal Lantern' and 'The Switch in the Safe'; British Gazette No 438, Annals of the War No. 19; Wiffles in 'I Marry My Widow's Sister.'
From Apr 19-22, 11th and 12th episodes of 'The Fatal Ring,' 'Short Circuit' and 'Desperate Chance'; British Gazette No. 440, Annals of the War No. 20; 'Finding a Husband.'
From Apr 26-29, 13th and 14th episodes of 'The Fatal Ring,' 'A Dash for Arabia' and 'The Painted Safe'; Annals of the War No. 21, British Gazette No. 441; 'Gertie's Joy Ride.'
Tonight, 13th and 14th episodes of 'The Fatal Ring,' 'A Dash for Arabia' and 'The Painted Safe'; Annals of the War No. 21, British Gazette No. 441; 'Geritie's Joy Ride'; on Apr 29, 'Pro Patria' or 'The Heroes of Belgium.'
From May 17 to 20, the final episodes of 'The Fatal Ring,' 'The Crystal Maze' and 'The End of the Trail'; British Gazette No. 444, American Gazette No. 53; Harold Lloyd in 'Bliss.'
Tonight, the final episodes of 'The Fatal Ring,' 'The Crystal Maze' and 'The End of the Trail'; British Gazette No. 444, American Gazette No. 53; Harold Lloyd in 'Bliss.'
Tonight, the perfect programme, British Gazette No. 445, with all the news from home; 'The On-the-Square Girl,' the finest 5 part film ever shown in the far East; 'Luke & the Wild Woman,' a side splitting comedy in 2 parts.
From May 24-27, 'The On-the-Square Girl,' a story of New York's fast set and of one girl who was on the square; 'Luke & the Wild Woman,' half-an-hour's fun in the Harem of the Shah; British Gazette No. 445.
From May 31 to June 3, 'Kick in,' the greatest crook play ever written, with William Courtenay and Mollie King in the leading roles; 'By the Sad Sea Waves,' one thousand feet of laughs, girls and prize winning bathing suites; British Gazette No. 446.
From June 7-10, the opening episodes of 'The Seven Pearls,' episode 1 'The Sultan's Necklace' in 3 parts and episode 2 'The Bowstring' in 2 parts; Harold Lloyd in all aboard; British Gazette No. 447.
From June 14-17, 'The Seven Pearls,' episode 3 'The Air Peril' and episode 4 'Amid the Clouds'; 'Harrigan in Clover'; British Gazette No. 448; 'Florence Rose Fashions.'
Last night at the Victoria Theatre, the British Gazette is peculiarly interesting. Molly [sic] King is the star of the two episodes of the 'Seven Pearls'; while the comedy is amply provided for in 'We Never Sleep,' a two-part Lonesome Luke absurdity in which this eccentric…
July 11-13. 'The Seven Pearls' episode 9 'The Warning on the Wire.' Episode 10 'The Hold Up.' Max Linder's great two-part comedy 'A Doctor in Spite of Himself.' British Gazette No. 451.
July 18-20. 'The Seven Pearls' episode 11 'The Gems of Jeopardy.' Episode 12 'Buried Alive.' 'From London to Laramie' [sic], two-part Lonesome Luke comedy. British Gazette No. 452.
August 1-3. The final episode of 'The Seven Pearls.' 'A Lesson in Flirtation.' British Gazette No.454. 'The Little Sisters.'
The programme showed last night at the Victoria Theatre was excellent. It will be continued tonight and tomorrow. The principal feature is the fifteenth episode of 'The Seven Pearls.' Another most enjoyable item of the programme is the photoplay 'The Little Sisters,' which is…
August 9-12. The great French drama 'Instinct.' British Gazette No. 455 and 'The Flirt.'