They are coming up strong at the Star. After 'Foolish Wives' there are still big pictures to be enjoyed from the programme of this theatre. Monday, 22nd till 24th January, 'His Official Fiancee' with Vivian Martin. Thursday 25th till 27th January, 'The Counterfeit'…
They are coming up strong at the Star. After 'Foolish Wives,' there're still big pictures to be enjoyed. Mon. 22nd till 24th Jan., 'His Official Fiancee,' with Vivian Master [sic]. Thurs. 25th till 27th Jan., 'The Counterfeit' with Elsie Ferguson. Sun. 28th…
Today at 5.30 & 9 p.m., Elsie Ferguson in 'Counterfeit,' Comedy & Gazette. January 27 Remarks: Tomorrow (Sun.) at 6 and 9.15 p.m., 'The Innocent Adventuress.'
Both are Paramount girls, but so vastly different: the one the sophisticated type of grown-up womanhood; the other, personification of innocent and graceful girlhood, but both nevertheless really lovable. You see the one in 'Counterfeit,' the other in 'Innocent Adventuress,'…
Today at 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., Elsie Ferguson in 'Counterfeit.' Tomorrow (Sunday) at 6 and 9.15 p.m., Vivian Martin in 'The Innocent Adventuress.' Also Comedy and Gazette.
Both are Paramount girls, you see the one in 'Counterfeit,' the other in 'Innocent Adventuress,' Elsie Ferguson and Vivian Martin. The former is seen today and the other tomorrow.
Elsie Ferguson's picture 'The Counterfeit,' which is proving a big attraction at the Star Theatre, will be succeeded tomorrow at both the matinee and night performance by 'An Innocent Adventuress,' Vivian Martin's latest starring vehicle. Film synopsis included.
The Counterfeit,' a Paramount special starring Elsie Ferguson, is now showing at the Star Theatre. Besides, 'An Innocent Adventuress,' in which Vivian Martin takes the principal role, will be screened at the theatre from Sunday till Tuesday.
Today at 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., Vivian Martin in 'The Innocent Adventuress.' Also Comedy and Gazette.
Today at 5.30 & 9 p.m., Vivian Martin in 'The Innocent Adventuress,' Comedy & Gazette.