The Variety Film Exchange Company of Nathan Road, Kowloon took a special series of pictures of the crowds dispersing after the celebration on the King's Birthday on the Cricket Ground, and we understand the same has been forwarded to New York for the 'American Gazette.'
At Victoria Theatre a programme including the drama 'Who's Guilty?' was given. Other pictures were three comics and the American and British Gazettes.
Victims of Fate' will be screened for the last time. The 3rd and 4th episodes of the serial film 'The Fatal Ring' featuring Pearl While will be produced. The new American Gazette is full of interest.
The striking picture showing the movement of the horse is a Pathe Freres colour production 'The Horse.' The 15th and 16th episodes of the 'Fatal Ring' become increasingly interesting. And also Captain Bruce Bairnsfather's Cartoon with American and British Gazettes.
A beautiful Pathe Colour series 'Life in a Fresh Water Aquarium' is now being shown at the Victoria. The last two episodes of 'The Fatal Ring' featuring Pearl White, and the British and American Gazette are also shown.
This week's attractions are two stories played by well-known artistes. 'Which?' and 'The On-the-Square Girl' featuring Molly King. The programme also included an American Gazette and 'Anatole's Oath.'
The first two episodes of 'Seven Pearls' and a Pathe Gold Rooster film 'Simon the Jester,' taken from the novel by W. J. Locke, featuring Edwin Arden, Irene Warfield and Alma Tell will be screened. New comics and British and American Gazettes will be screened next week.
The chief feature of Victoria Theatre last night was the very fine five-part film 'The Last of the Carnaby's' [sic].Miss Gladys Hulette is the star figure of the film. Other features of the programme were a very interesting American Gazette and a picture of the Empire Day…
Despite the threatening weather, there was quite a good-sized audience at the Victoria Theatre last night, when the second and third episodes of 'Judex?' were screened. These proved most exciting, and a feature was the wonderful work of the boy actor 'Bout de Zan.' Apart from…
The 7th and 8th episodes of 'The Seven Pearls.' Serial film 'Judex' will be screened and there will be a performance by The Ginks and the company on Sunday. The American Gazette will be screened soon.
Tonight and tomorrow night, the Victoria Theatre has a special programme which should make a big appeal to its patrons. The star feature is the great 'Gold Rooster' five-part drama, 'The Spender,' which is one of the most powerfully-acted films ever screened in the Colony.…
The very fine programme put on at the Victoria Theatre last night drew a most appreciative audience. The main feature was the five-part film 'The Spender,' which is one of the most exciting and strongly-acted dramas screened in Hong Kong for a long time past. The beautiful Pathe colour…
The new programme which the Victoria Theatre management put on last night, and which will be continued for two nights longer, was of a most varied and attractive character. Its main feature was the four-part film, 'The Song of Fire,' which is splendidly acted and most elaborately set.…
The current programme at the Victoria Theatre is one that should meet with a good deal of appreciation, comprising as it does a fine three-part film 'The Storm,' a picture which, besides good acting to recommend it, is based on a very attractive plot and provides some good situations.…
There was an absolutely crowded house at the Victoria Theatre last night, when the special attraction provided was the great five-part film, 'The Mark of Cain.' The main feature is the very clever acting of Mrs. Vernon Castle, who has the leading role, and who is seconded by Mr.…
A large audience enjoyed the good fare presented at the cinemas. The Gazettes, both British and American, were as interesting as ever, and Harold Harold 's 'The Tip.' A five part Pathe play 'The Mark of Cain' with Mrs. Vernon Castle and Antonio Moreno in the leading…
The large audiences which assembled at the Victoria Theatre last night thoroughly enjoyed the admirably varied programme submitted. The main feature was the five-part film, 'A Woman's Fight,' in which the leading character was portrayed by Miss Geraldine O' Brien. Other…
For variety and general excellence, it would be impossible to surpass the programme supplied by the management of the Victoria Theatre last night and which is being repeated tonight. The films were of a very high standard, while an additional feature was provided by the clever and entertaining…
The American Gazette was interesting and the distinguishing feature 'Daddy's Girl' featuring Baby Marie Osborne is worth a visit to the theatre. Thurber and Thurber and exhibition of films like comic boxing 'Astounding Feats of Strength' and a film depicting the entry of…
There was a large house at the Victoria Theatre last night when the beautiful film 'Ambition' was screened. The chief character is Miss Ruth Roland, who scored such a success in the 'Red Circle.' Another item of interest was the appearance of 'Morango,' who is a…