Norma Talmadge in 'Love's Redemption' and Constance Talmadge in 'Good References.'
The Coronet is doing to screen 'Love's Redemption' featuring Norma Talmadge. The film included scenes from Jamaica where Miss Talmadge and her company spent three weeks to get the local flavour. Constance Talmadge is due to arrive at the Coronet on Friday in 'Good Reference…
This is to be a 'Talmadge Week' at the Coronet Theatre. The first of the two talented sisters to appear will be Norma Talmadge, in a picture called 'Love's Redemption.' Film plot included. It will be screened until Thursday, and then Norma will give place to her sister…
The Coronet is holding another of its periodical 'Talmadge' weeks. Today's picture is 'Love's Redemption' in which Norma Talmadge has an unusual part. Constance Talmadge is due to arrive at the Coronet on Friday in her latest comedy 'Good References.'
Today, Coronet Theatre is screening 'Love's Redemption' featuring Norma Talmadge. On Friday, Coronet Theatre will present 'Good References' featuring Constance Talmadge.
The Coronet's 'Talmadge' week began yesterday with Norma Talmadge's 'Love's Redemption.' Meanwhile, Constance Talmadge is to be seen later on in the week in her latest comedy 'Good References.'
Which sister is the most popular? Which is the better artist? Come along tonight and see Connie in 'Good References.'
This week is Talmadge week. Tonight till Saturday, we are screening Constance Talmadge in 'Good References.' All next week we shall present 'Way Down East.' Daily at 2.15, 5.30 and 9 p.m. Prices: 2.15 p.m., $1.20 and 90 cents; 5.30 and 9 p.m., $2.00 and $1.00. Special musical…
The Coronet: Tonight till Sunday, Constance Talmadge in 'Good References.' Kowloon Theatre: Friday and Saturday, 'Passion's Playground.' Fancy dress dance on Tuesday.
The Coronet: Tonight till Sunday, Constance Talmadge in 'Good References.' Kowloon Theatre: Friday & Saturday, 'Passion's Playground.' Fancy Dress Dance on Tuesday.
Good References,' in which Constance Talmadge takes the principal role, is being shown at the Coronet Theatre today. Film plot included.
The Coronet: Tonight till Sunday, Constance Talmadge in 'Good References.' Kowloon Theatre: Friday and Saturday, 'Passion's Playground.' Fancy dress dance on Tuesday.
Good References,' in which Constance Talmadge takes the principal role, is an attraction at the Coronet Theatre today.
The Coronet: 2.15, 5.30 and 9 sharp, 'Way Down East.' Kowloon Theatre: 5.45 and 9.15, Constance Talmadge in 'Good References.'
The Coronet: At 2.15, 5.30, 9 sharp, 'Way Down East.' Kowloon Theatre: At 5.45 & 9.15 p.m., Constance Talmadge in 'Good References.'
The Coronet: 2.30, 5.30 and 9 sharp, 'Way Down East.' Kowloon Theatre, 5.45 and 9.15, Constance Talmadge in 'Good References.'