The drama in 3 parts, 'The Arch Villain,' on Friday, 7th April, 1916. Pictures including 'The Great War,' Keystone comedy and others. Charlie Chaplin 'In the Park' is coming on Friday, 14th April.
Films screenings including 'The Arch Villian' (3 parts) and 'The Great War' and 'Charlie Chaplin In the Park'; Keystone Comedy and others
Screening of 'New Exploits of Elaine' (18th Episode: Red Roses'); Max Linder, Wiffles, Keystone Comic, Cartoon Comic and Pathe's British Gazette, 'The Great War'
Tonight: Screening of 'New Exploits of Elaine' (18th Episode: Red Roses'); Max Linder, Wiffles, Keystone Comic, Cartoon Comic and Pathe's British Gazette, 'The Great War'
On Sept 9, 7th and 8th episodes of 'The Black Box Mystery' [sic]; The Great War, Pathe's Gazette; comics: John Bunny, Keystones.
On Sep 12, 9th and 10th episodes of 'The Black Box Mystery' [sic] in 4 parts; interesting, The Great War, Pathe's British Gazette; comics: 'The Aunt that Wasn't,' 'The Frail Vessel,' and 'Baby Day.'
On Sep 19, the magnificent serial play, 11th and 12th episodes of 'The Black Box Mystery' [sic] in 4 parts; Pathe's British Gazette, The Great War; Keystone and other comics; on Sep 20 and 21, a grand naval variety night.
The theatre will show a film about the Great War illustrating the Defence of Verdun, including the various activities of the French Army.
Screening of 'The Red Circle' (7th & 8th episodes), 'The Great War', Comics: 'Wiffles', 'Water Hymphs' and 'Dust Hater'; Coming film: 'The Defence of Verdun'
Tonight: Screening of 'The Red Circle' (7th & 8th episodes), 'The Great War', Comics: 'Wiffles', 'Water Hymphs' and 'Dust Hater'; Coming film: 'The Defence of Verdun'
On Nov 10, Pathe's wonderful serial in magnificent photography, the 'Red Circle' in 2 episodes (7th and 8th); interesting: 'The Great War'; instructive: 'Lizards'; comics: Wiffles, 'Water Nymphs,' and 'Dust Hater'; do not forget the film:…
On Nov 24, 11th and 12th episodes of 'The Red Circle': Seeds of Suspicion and Like a Rat in a Trap; 'The Great War': the disembarking of a Serbian Battalion, the new Serbian army, the slava Serbian feast; comics: 'The Wrong Flat,' 'Eloping with Anatole,'…
On Dec 2, last two episodes of 'The Red Circle': Branded as a Thief and Judgement Day; interesting: 'The Praying Mantis,' 'Pathe's British Gazette,' 'The Great War'; comics: 'Pokes & Jabs in Clover' and 'Just Kids.'
Screening of 'Red Circle' (last two episodes), 'Praying Monks', 'Pathe's British Gazette', 'The Great War', Comics: 'Pokes & Jabs in Clover' and 'Just Kids'
On Dec 12, performance by Brilliant; Pathe's interesting photoplay 'The She Wolf' in 3 parts; The Great War Series (D.4); Pathe's British Gazette; Sauce for the Gander; Thousand Dollars Reward; 'Mabel's Wilful Way.'
On Dec 15, the magnificent Gold Rooster play, featuring Ruth Roland of Red Circle fame in the 'Matrimonial Martyr,' a ripping coloured comedy in 5 parts; The Great War (series D.5); 'Chasing the Submarine'; 'Pathe's British Gazette'; 'Pokes and Jabs in One…
On Dec 19, performance by Brilliant; 'Sons of France,' a thrilling tale of modern warfare in 3 parts, including French fighting, its difficulties and dangers; Pathe's British Gazette, The Great War; 'Have You Seen My Girl'; 'A Well Sick Man'; 'Wiffles the…
Performance by Miss May Brilliant; Screening of 'Sons of France', Pathe's British Gazette, 'The Great War', 'Have You Seen My Girl', 'A Well Sick Man', 'Wiffles the Masked Marksman', 'A Lucky Leap' (Keystone)
Tonight: Performance by Miss May Brilliant; Screening of 'Sons of France', Pathe's British Gazette, 'The Great War', 'Have You Seen My Girl', 'A Well Sick Man', 'Wiffles the Masked Marksman', 'A Lucky Leap' (Keystone)
Tonight, the last night of performance by Miss May Brilliant; Screening of 'Sons of France', Pathe's British Gazette, 'The Great War', 'Have You Seen My Girl', 'A Well Sick Man', 'Wiffles the Masked Marksman', 'A Lucky Leap' (…