A circus on the screen--bring the little folks to see 'The Little Clown.'
Mary Miles Minter in 'The Little Clown.' Plot and illustration included.
Clowns, and bareback riders, kangaroos, elephants and everything! Take your family to the World Theatre to see 'The Little Clown,' a beautiful story of the circus with Mary Miles Minter, as the heroine. Commencing Friday, this week. Illustration included.
Take your family to the World Theatre to see 'The Little Clown' with Mary Miles Minter this Friday. Photo included. August 25 Remarks: The cast also includes Jack Mulhall, Winter Hall, Helen Dunbar, Neely Edwards, Wilton Taylor and Lucien Littlefield. Illustration and film plot…
World Theatre is going to screen a comedy named 'The Little Clown' by Avery Hopwood. The film portrays a realistic atmosphere and is claimed to be entertaining for parents and children.
The Little Crown,' starring Mary Miles Minter, will be screened at the World Theatre tomorrow. The story is written by Avery Hopwood. Film synopsis included.
Mary Miles Minter in 'The Little Clown,' a picture for old and young--a circus and a picture in one. Jack Mulhall, Winter Hall, Helen Dunbar, Neely Edwards, Wilton Taylor, Lucien Littlefield and many others in support of this popular young star, and a real circus. Illustration included…
Today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., 'The Little Clown.' 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., Eileen Sedgwick in 'The Great Radium Mystery' episodes 4 and 5. Usual prices. Booking at the theatre.
At 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Realart presents Mary Miles Minter in 'The Little Clown,' Snub Pollard Comedy and Pathe News. At 2.30 & 7.15 p.m., June Caprice & George B. Seitz in 'Sky Ranger,' epis. 12 & 13. Usual prices. Booking at the Theatre.
5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Realart Pictures presents Mary Miles Minter in 'The Little Clown.' Also ‘Snub' Pollard Comedy and Pathe News. 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., Juno Caprice and George B. Seitz in 'Sky Ranger' episodes 12 and 13. Usual prices. Booking at the Theatre.
Today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Realart Pictures presents Mary Miles Minter in 'The Little Clown.' Also ‘Snub' Pollard Comedy and Pathe News. 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., June Caprice and George B. Seitz in 'Sky Ranger' episodes 12 and 13. Usual prices. Booking at the theatre.
The Coronet: Doris Keane in 'Romance.' Sunday February 11, 'Trumpet Island.' Kowloon Theatre: Wednesday and Thursday at 5.45 and 9.15, 'The Little Clown,' Screen Snapshots and ‘Snub' Comedy.
The Coronet: Doris Keane in 'Romance.' Sun. Feb. 11, 'Trumpet Island.' Kowloon Theatre: Wed. & Thur. at 5.45 & 9.15, 'The Little Clown,' Screen Snapshots and 'Snub' Comedy.
The Coronet: Doris Keane in Romance. Saturday, Feb. 11, Trumpet Island. Kowloon Theatre: Wednesday and Thursday at 5.45 and 9.15, The Little Clown, screen snapshots and ‘Snub' comedy.