Commencing Wednesday, 13th instant, Max Linder in 'Seven Years Bad Luck.' Also 'The Leather Pushers,' Universal-Jewel-Collier's series by H. C. Witwer, featuring Reginald Denny. Illustration included.
Thursday to Saturday, 14th to 16th Dec., at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Max Linder in 'Seven Years Bad Luck,' in 5 parts. Also, Round one of 'The Leather Pusher.' December 13 Remarks: At 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., William Russell in 'Challenge of the Law,' 5 parts. December 14-16…
Seven Years Bad Luck,' a Robertson-Cole production featuring Max Linder, will be shown at the World Theatre from today till Saturday. Another special feature in the programme at the World Theatre is 'The Leather Pushers' written by H. C. Witwer. Film synopsis included.
From tonight till Saturday night, Max Linder in 'Seven Years Bad Luck.' Also 'The Leather Pusher' [sic], featuring Reginald Denny and directed by Harry Pollard. Booking at the Theatre.
Wednesday to Saturday 13th to 16th December. 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Max Linder in 'Seven Years Bad Luck' in 5 parts. Also round one 'The Leather Pusher [sic].' 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., William Russell in 'Challenge of the Law.' Booking at the Theatre.
Thursday to Saturday, 14th to 16th December, 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Max Linder in 'Seven Years Bad Luck' in 5 parts. Also round one, 'The Leather Pushers.' Prices of admission. 9.15 p.m. show $1.20 and 80 cents; 5.15 p.m. matinee, 70 cents and 50 cents. 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., Ruth…
Frank Mayo, and his supporting players were in the screen drama entitled 'Dr. Jim' which will be shown at the World Theatre this weekend. The film directed by William Worthington, written by Eugene B. Lewis based on the original story of Stuart Paton. Other than this, the programme…
A Universal special 'Dr. Jim,' in which Frank Mayo and Herbert Heyes take the leading roles, will be shown at the World Theatre from this evening to Saturday next. The supporting members of the cast include Claire Windsor. Screen Magazine will give some very interesting scenes and…
From Thursday the 21st, Round 7 of The New 'Leather Pushers' with Reginald Denny.
At the World Theatre 'The New Leather Pushers [sic]' will be shown on Thursday, the 21st inst. In this, Kid Roberts is seen winning new fistic laurels in his battle for fame, wealth and the one girl. As in the other stories of this series, Reginald Denny, popular virile Universal…
The Leather Pushers,' a Universal Jewel Colliers production starring Reginald Denny is being shown at the World Theatre.
If 'thy father' is not worthy of honour, is it a sin to turn against him? This is the problem that faced the heroine of 'Tillie,' a new Mary Miles Minter Realart film which opens at the World Theatre for four days. 'Tillie' is an Alice Eyton adaptation of the novel…
What is likely to happen at any moment to a victim of 'shell-shock' is illustrated in the Universal picture 'Shootin' for Love,' now showing at the World Theatre. Hoot Gibson is the star. Film plot included. Another attraction for the local boxers is 'Leather…
The hero of George Barr McCutcheon's romantic novel, 'The Prisoner,' formerly titled 'Castle Craneycrow,' felt about as much for the girl's new solitaire as the prizefight manager in H. C. Witwer's 'The Leather Pushers,' who regarded engagement…
Mon. & Tue. Only, a new round of 'The Leather Pushers' De Luxe edition featuring Reginald Denny. Also, Jack Hoxies [sic] in 'Men in the Raw.' Usual prices. Booking at the Theatre.