November 12 Remarks: 'Little Old New York' is better than 'Enemies of Women.' It will be showing at the Star. November 12-13 Remarks: Teaser ads for the film 'Little Old New York.' The ads didn't mention the theatre's name, surmised from other ads.…
Little Old New York.'
Six months on broadway at full theatre prices. That was the New York record of 'Little Old New York.'
Subject of all the town talk will be the Star's next big attraction, 'Little Old New York.'
Cosmopolitan Corporation presents Marion Davies in 'Little Old New York,' better than 'Enemies of Women.' Prices: 5.30, $1 and 80 cents; 9.15, $1.50 and $1.00. Illustration included.
The Coronet: Today only, 'The Signal Tower.' The Star: Starting today, 'Little Old New York.' Price details included.
Star Theatre is screening 'Little Old New York' which is claimed to be as good as 'Enemies of Women.' The film features Marion Davies.
Little Old New York,' the picture being shown at the Star Theatre, should be equally persuasive as 'Enemies of Women.' The picture starred by Marion Davis. Film plot included.
The Coronet: Today only, 'The Signal Tower.' The Star: Starting today, 'Little Old New York.' Prices: 5.30, $1.00 and 60 cents; 9.15, $1.50 and $1.00.
Commencing today at 5.15 and 9.30 p.m., Cosmopolitan Corporation presents Marion Davies in 'Little Old New York,' adapted by Luther Reed from the stage play by Rida Johnson Young, settings by Joseph Urban, directed by Sidney Olcott. Prices: 5.30, $1.00 and 60 cents; 9.15, $1.50 and $1.…
Such is the claim made in respect of the picture now being shown at the Star Theatre. 'Enemies of Women' attracted its thousands; 'Little Old New York' should be equally persuasive in its appeal to those who are moved by gorgeous settings and thrills. Marion Davies is the…
The Coronet: Today only, 'The Signal Tower.' The Star: Starting tomorrow, 'Little Old New York.' Prices: 5.30, $1.00 and 60 cents; 9.15, $1.50 and $1.00.
The Coronet: Today till Monday, Charlie Chaplin in 'The Count,' 'Easy Street,' and 'The Immigrant.' The Star: Starting today, 'Little Old New York.' Price details included.
The Coronet: Today till Monday, Charlie Chaplin in 'The Court,' 'Easy Street' and 'The Immigrant.' The Star: Starting today, 'Little Old New York.' Prices: 5.30, $1.00 and 60 cents; 9.15, $1.50 and $1.00.
Cosmopolitan Corporation presents Marion Davies in 'Little Old New York,' adapted by Luther Reed from the stage play by Rida Johnson Young. Added attraction, 'The Evolution of Dixie.' Illustration included.
The Coronet: Today till Monday, Charlie Chaplin in 'The Count'; 'Easy Street'; 'The Immigrant.' The Star: Starting today, 'Little Old New York.' Prices: 5.30, $1.00 and 60 cents; 9.15, $1.50 and $1.00.
Star Theatre is screening. Star Theatre is screening 'Little Old New York.' The picture is showing at the theatre until Friday. Film synopsis included.
Little Old New York,' is the picture showing at the Star until Friday. The picture starred by Marion Davis. Film plot included.