Change of programme for 23rd, 24th and 25th Aug, the following magnificent pictures will be screened: the dramatic film 'The Power of Love' (in three parts), the comic pictures, 'To Save Her Mistress,' 'A School Romance,' 'Hello Central,' 'Wiffles…
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Dolores Cassinelli in 'The Web of Deceit.' Also showing no. 2 of the Coronet Review. At 7.15 p.m., Bryant Washburn in 'All Wrong.' Illustration included.
Dolores Cassinelli in 'The Web of Deceit.' Also showing No.2 of the Coronet Review. At 7.15 p.m., Bryant Washburn in 'All Wrong.'
Dolores Cassinelli in the most dramatic picture of the year 'The Web of Deceit' 6 parts. Also, the second issue of the Coronet Review.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Dolores Cassinelli in 'The Web of Deceit' in 6 parts, also the Coronet Review. At 7.15 p.m., Bryant Washburn in 'All Wrong.' October 1 Remarks: On page 5, another ad. on 'The Web of Deceit' only.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15, Mabel Normand in 'Pinto.' Also Coronet Review and ‘Snub' Comedy. Super-production prices. At 7.15 p.m., 'Bound and Gagged' episodes 5 and 6.
Mabel Normand in 'Pinto' and Coronet Review. Also Snub comedy and 'Bound and Gagged' episodes 5 and 6.
Tonight's programme includes 'Snub' Pollard in 'Don't Rock the Boat,' the Coronet Review, and Mabel Normand in 'Pinto,' Goldwyn pictures.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15, Mabel Normand in 'Pinto.'Also Coronet Review and Snub Comedy. Super-production prices. At 7.15 p.m., 'Bound and Gagged' episodes 5 and 6. October 21 Remarks: On page 5, another ad. on the autumn super-season programmes, ‘Snub' Pollard in '…
Tonight at 2.30, 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Harold Lloyd in 'Captain Kidd's Kids,' June Caprice in 'In Walked Mary' and the Coronet Review. Super-production prices.
Firstly, the Coronet Review with home events that are right band up to date including the cool strike and latest football. Secondly, June Caprice in 'In Walked Mary,' a most delightful little girl in an equally pleasant film play. Thirdly, Harold Lloyd in his $100,000 comedy, '…
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15, Harold Lloyd in 'Captain Kidd's Kids.' Also June Caprice in 'In Walked Mary' and the Coronet Review. Super-production prices. November 5 Remarks: On page 5, another ad. on 'Captain Kidd's Kids' and 'In Walked Mary.'…
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Harold Lockwood in 'Pals First' and latest from home in the Coronet Review. At 7.15 p.m., 'The Mystery of 13,' episodes 1 and 2.
It is upon this theme that 'Pals First,' Harold Lockwood's only special production and his last picture before he died, is based. It is a big story with a perfectly legitimate surprise in it. You will enjoy also the very fine Coronet Review. Illustration included.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15, Harold Lockwood in 'Pals First.' Also latest from home in the Coronet review. At 7.15 p.m., 'The Mystery of 13' episodes 1 and 2. November 19 Remarks: On page 5, another ad. on 'Pals First' and Coronet Review. Illustration included.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Dustin Farnum in 'The Light of Western Stars' and October home news in the Coronet Review. At 7.15 p.m., 'The Mystery of 13' episodes 3 and 4.
Tonight till Friday, 'The Light of Western Stars,' a triumph for Dustin Farnum. See it early. You'll want to see it twice. See also the latest Coronet Review with October news from home and a liberal installment of the popular 'Around the Town.' Picture included.
Tonight at 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15, William Desmond in 'A Broadway Cowboy,' Coronet Review and ‘Snub' Pollard in 'Call a Taxi.'
Tonight at 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15, Jesse D. Hampton presents William Desmond in 'A Broadway Cowboy.' Also showing ‘Snub' Pollard in 'Call a Taxi' and November news from home in Coronet Review. Illustration included.
Tonight, William Desmond in 'A Broadway Cowboy,' Coronet Review, Snub Pollard in 'Call a Taxi.'