all-comedy programme, the Mayflower six-part special comedy drama, 'The New York Idea.' Also Larry Semon in his greatest comedy, 'The Stage Hand' and Topical Budget 541.
A special Realart Pictures, Alice Brady in 'The New York Idea.' Also Larry Semon in 'The Stage Hand.'
The Coronet: Today at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15, Alice Brady in 'The New York Idea,' Larry Semon in 'The Stage Hand,' and Topical Budget. Kowloon Theatre: 5.45 and 9.15, Wallace Reid in 'Too Many Millions.'
Tonight, special Realart picture, Alice Brady in 'The New York Idea.' Also Larry Semon in 'The Stage Hand.'
The Coronet: Alice Brady in 'The New York Idea' and Larry Semon in 'The Stage Hand.' Kowloon Theatre: Wallace Reid in 'Too Many Millions.'
The Coronet: 'The New York Idea' and Larry Semon in 'The Stage Hand.' Kowloon Theatre: At 9.15, Jack Pickford in 'In Wrong,' Rolin Comedy and Pathe Gazette.
The Coronet: 'The New York Idea,' and Larry Semon in 'The Stage Hand.' Kowloon Theatre: At 9.15, Jack Pickford in 'In Wrong,' Rolin Comedy and Pathe Gazette.
The Stage Hand,' Larry Semon's original comedy, was shown at the Coronet Theatre yesterday.
The Coronet: 'The New York Idea' and Larry Semon in 'The Stage Hand.' Kowloon Theatre: 5.45 and 9.15, 'Male and Female.'
The Coronet: 'The New York Idea,' and Larry Semon in 'The Stage Hand.' Kowloon Theatre: 5.45 and 9.15, 'Male & Female.'