Film screening of 'The Iron Master' (3,000 ft) and 'Les Miserables'; Coming film: 'Aviator's Secret'; Performances by Miss Arkas and Freda Ardea
The great Éclair film 'The Iron Master,' 3,000 ft. long, an enormous success wherever shown; look out for the great picture 'Les Miserables,' which will be produced in a few days.
The great Eclair film, 'The Iron Master,' 3,000 ft. long, an enormous success wherever shown; look out for the great picture, 'Les Miserables,' which will be produced in a few days; performances by the Thunderbolt Man, Alexander Galinsky, Arkas, and Freda Ardea.
The great Eclair film, 'The Iron Master,' 3,000 ft. long, an enormous success wherever shown; look out for the great picture, 'Les Miserables,' which will be produced in a few days; performances by Arkas and Freda Ardea.
Film screening of 'The Iron Master', a dramatic film of 3000 feet long; 'Les Miserables' in a few days; Performances by Arkas and Freda Ardea
Tonight a grand dramatic film 4000 ft. long, 'The Iron Master' and 'Secret of the Sea'; watch for 'Les Miserables' in a few days, book tickets at Moutries; performance by Arkas and Freda Ardea.