Today till Saturday at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Irene Rich and Monte Blue in 'Lucretia Lombard,' adapted from the novel by Kathleen Norris. A Warner Bros. class of the screen. Also, British Gazette 1109/10, 'Felix Tries for Treasure' (Inkwell cartoon) and 'His New Papa…
Today till Saturday at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Irene Rich and Monte Blue in 'Lucretia Lombard,' a drama of flaming passion adapted from the nationally famous novel by Kathleen Norris, Warner Bros. classic of the screen. Also British Gazette 1109/10, 'Felix Tries for Treasure' (…
Today till Saturday at 5.15 and 9.15, Irene Rich and Monte Blue in 'Lucretia Lombard,' a Warner Bros. classic. Also British Gazette, Felix Tries for Treasure (Inkwell Cartoon) and 'His New Papa' (Mermaid Comedy). Increased prices. October 4 Remarks: Illustration included.
Don't fail to see a Warner Bros. classic of the screen, 'Lucretia Lombard' featuring Irene Rich and Monte Blue, a drama of flaming passion adapted from the nationally famous novel by Kathleen Norris. Also British Gazette 1109/10, 'Felix Tries for Treasure' (Cartoon), and…
Last chance to see, 'Lucretia Lombard' featuring Irene Rich and Monte Blue, a drama of flaming passion from the famous novel by Kathleen Norris, a Harry Rapf production. Also British Gazette 1109/10, 'Felix Tries for Treasure,' and 'His New Papa.' Final performance…