Tonight at 2.30, 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne in 'The Voice of Conscience' and Christie and Gab [sic] comedies. Tomorrow at 6 p.m., 'Thais.' Prices: 80 cents and 40 cents. Tomorrow at 9.15 p.m., 'Les Miserables.' Ordinary prices.
The Coronet's plans for the Xmas season, Dorophy Philps [sic] in 'The Heart of Humanity,' second only to 'Intolerance' and 'Hearts of the World.' Henri [sic] Krauss in Pathe's supreme picturisation of Victory Hugo's immortal story, 'Les…
Today at 2.30, 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne in 'The Voice of Conscience' and Christie and Cub Comedies. Tomorrow at 6 p.m., 'Thais.' Prices: 80 cents and 40 cents. Tomorrow at 9.15 p.m., 'Les Miserables.' Ordinary prices.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Henri [sic] Krauss in 'Les Miserables.' Usual prices. Booking at Robinson's. December 24 Remarks: Booking at the theatre.
Les Miserables.'
Tonight! Henri Krauss in 'Les Miserables.' Booking at the Theatre.
The popularity of cinemas will be enhanced this festive week and the management of the Coronet Theatre, ever cognizant of the needs of the public, have led the way with an arrangement for a number of super productions which, cramped into the span of a week's screening, will provide…
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Henri [sic] Krauss in 'Les Miserables.' Usual prices. Booking at Robinson's. December 22 Remarks: On page 5, another ad. on Pathe's 'Les Miserables' by Victor Hugo.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., last performances of 'Les Miserables.'
If you believe that the sole end and aim of the cinema is to amuse, you will not enjoy 'The Whispering Chorus' but if you realise that the silver screen is capable -- as the producers of 'Quo Vadis,' 'Intolerance,' 'Les Miserables,' 'Revelation,…
The Coronet: Today at 2.30, 5.15 and 9.15, Anita Stewart in 'The Fighting Shepherdess.' Also ‘Snub' Comedy and Topical Film. Kowloon Theatre: Tonight at 5.30 p.m., Douglas Fairbanks in 'Arizona.' Tonight at 9.15, Matheson Lang as 'Mr. Wu.' Dancing after…
The Coronet: Today at 2.30, 5.15 & 9.15, Anita Stewart in 'The Fighting Shepherdess,' Snub Comedy and Topical film. Kowloon Theatre: Tonight at 5.30, Douglas Fairbanks in 'Arizona.' At 9.15, Matheson Lang as 'Mr. Wu' and dancing.
The Coronet: Today at 2.30, 5.15 and 9.15, Anita Stewart in 'The Fighting Shepherdess.' Also ‘Snub' Comedy and Topical film. Kowloon Theatre: Tonight at 9 p.m. only, Matheson Lang as 'Mr. Wu.' Dancing after pictures.
The Coronet: Today at 2.30, 5.15 & 9.15, Anita Stewart in 'The Fighting Shepherdess,' Snub Comedy and Topical film. Kowloon Theatre: Tonight at 9 p.m. only, Matheson Lang as 'Mr. Wu' and dancing after pictures.
Tonight only, Alice Lake and Rudolf [sic] Valentino in 'Uncharted Seas.' Also 'Assorted Heroes' and Topical Film.
The Coronet: Tonight only, Alice Lake and Rudolph Valentino in 'Uncharted Seas,' 'Assorted Heroes,' and Topical film. The Star: Tonight only, Milton Sills in 'Legally Dead.' The Grand: Tonight only, 'The Midnight Guest.'
There is always a good show at Coronet: Tonight only, Alice Lake and Rudolph Valentino in 'Uncharted Seas,' 'Assorted Heroes' and Topical film. The Star: Tonight only at 5.30 and 9.15, Milton Sills in 'Legally Dead.' The Grand: Tonight only at 9.15 p.m., 'The…
Coronet Theatre conducted a Popular Pictures voting contest with a prize of $50. Among the voting for two hundreds film, the following films were consider as the most popular selections, which included: 'Shoulder Arms,' 'Quo Vadis,' 'My Four Years in Germany,'…
Today and tomorrow only, Lionel Barrymore in 'The Face in the Fog' supported by Seena Owen and Lowell Shermon [sic]. Also Coronet Review, the latest newsreel of the world. November 4 Remarks: Our own Topical Film.
Final showing today, Lionel Barrymore in 'The Face in the Fog,' supported by Seena Owen and Lowell Sherman. Also our own Topical Film, the latest newsreel of the world.