Headline: Victoria Theatre
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1918-04-30 - 1918-05-02
Tuesday 30th, April and Thursday 2nd, May, 'A Noble Action,' a stirring drama in four parts, full of interest and emotion featuring the celebrated French actress, Mdlle Vera Sergine. Also American Gazette No. 46, 'A Brigand Unwittingly,' 'The Professional Amateur,'…
Headline: Victoria Theatre
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1918-05-01 - 1918-05-01
From Apr 30 to May 2, a stirring drama in 4 parts, full of interest and emotion featuring the celebrated French actress Mdlle Vera Sergino [sic], 'A Noble Action'; American Gazette No. 46; 'A Brigand Unwittingly'; 'A Professional Amateur.'