First presentation of the Great Illusion 'Noah's Ark', second edition of the truly marvellous and up-tp-date Cinematographe including 'A Call on the London Fire Brigade,' 'Greco-Turkish War' and 'A Gun Boat in Full Action.' Under the distinguished…
Tonight, Wednesday, second series of London Attractions, new tricks and new and up-to-date Pictures. The Cinematographe is showing 20 new and startling subjects, including A Call on the London Fire Brigade, 'Greco-Turkish War,' A Gun Boat in Full Action. Booking at the Robinson Piano…
A complete change of programme was presented last night, at the entertainment given by Carl Hertz, in the City Hall. A number of remarkably lifelike pictures were shown by the cinematograph, 'A Call on the London Fire Brigade' being receiver with great enthusiasm. 'Persimmon…
There will no doubt be a very large audience present at the Theatre Royal this evening, when the renowned Carl Hertz, will make his re-appearance. In the marvellous cinematographe [sic] the new series pictures will be shown which includes the great sensational picture 'A Call on the London…
Carl Hertz, the great London conjuror presented new tricks. First presentation of the Great Illusion 'Noah's Ark,' second edition of the truly marvellous and up-to-date Cinematographe including 'A Call on the London Fire Brigade,' 'Greco-Turkish War,' 'A…
Tonight, and also Easter Monday night, performance by Carl Hertz. Entirely new and up-to-date Pictures. The Cinematographe is showing 20 new and startling subjects, including A Call on the London Fire Brigade, Greco-Turkish War, A Gun Boat in Full Action and The Prince of Wales' Derby.…
There will doubtless be a big holiday audience present at the Theatre Royal this evening, to witness the performance of Carl Hertz. Also the cinematographe pictures were enthusiastically received, the fight between gunboats and the turn-out of the London Fire Brigade being re-shown.
Carl Hertz, the great London conjuror presented new tricks. To see the Great Illusion 'Noah's Ark' or 'After the Flood.' And the New Pictures on the Cinematographe: 'The Greco-Turkish War,' 'Call on the London Fire Brigade,' and 'The Prince of…