Film screening of 'A Circus Heroine' (3 parts, 5,000 ft) and the 10th Series of War Pictures (2 parts, 3,000 ft);
On Feb 24, 'A Circus Heroine' in 5 parts - length 5,000 feet, a magnificent & powerful drama showing some sensational acting; also War Picture - 10th series in 2 parts - length 3,000 feet.
Film screening of 'A Circus Heroine' (3 parts, 5,000 ft) and the 10th Series of War Pictures (2 parts, 3,000 ft);
Oreat success of the Three Delays; Films screenings including 'A Circus Heroine' (4 parts) and 'The Outlaw's Bride' (2 parts)
There were good weekend houses at the Bijou Theatre when 'A Circus Heroine' and 'The Outlaw's Bride' were presented. The Three Delroys performed. The celebrated film 'The Adventures of Saturnin Farandoul' will be shown at the Bijou next Saturday.
Screening of 'Liberty' (6th episode), 'A Circus Heroine', 'War Graphic' and 'Max on the Briny'
6th episode of 'Liberty' entitled 'The Desert of Lost Souls'; a thrilling drama 'A Circus Heroine' in 3 parts; war graphic and 'Max on the Briny' (comic).