Watch the opening day! Special engagement of the film masterpiece, 'Gaby' featuring Gaby Deslys and Harry Pilcer, the world's famous dancers.
Watch the opening day, special engagement of the film masterpiece, 'Gaby' featuring Gaby Delys [sic] and Harry Pilcer, the world's famous dancers.
For four nights only, commencing Friday, 10th February, special engagement of the film masterpiece in 7 reels, 'Gaby' featuring Gaby Deslys and Harry Pilcer, the world's famous dancers. See the wonderful ballet scene in natural colours.
Today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m. sharp, Gaby Deslys and Harry Pilcer, the world-famous dancers in the film masterpiece in 7 reels, 'Gaby.' Usual prices. 2.30 and 7.15 p.m. performances, George B. Seitz in 'Velvet Fingers' 6 and 7 episodes. Booking at the theatre. February 11…
Today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Gaby Delys [sic] and Harry Pilcer in 'Gaby.' Usual prices. 2.30 and 7.15 p.m. performances, George B. Seitz in 'Velvet Fingers' 6 and 7 episodes. Booking at the Theatre. Sunday's matinee 6 p.m. sharp, Vivian Martin in 'Mirandy Smiles.…
Gaby' at the World Theatre, today at 5 p.m. sharp and 9.15 p.m. Book early and don't miss seeing it.
Don't miss to see, Monday, 27th inst., at 5 and 9.15 p.m., one night only, by special request, the film masterpiece in 7 reels, 'Gaby' starring Gaby Deslys and Harry Pilcer.
Today only, 5 p.m. sharp and 9.15 p.m., Gaby Deslys and Harry Pilcer in 'Gaby,' 7 reels. 2.30 and 7.15 p.m. performances, Art Acord in 'The White Horseman,' episodes 4th and 5th. Usual prices. Booking at the theatre.
Today only 5 p.m. sharp and 9.15 p.m., Gaby Delys [sic] and Harry Pilcer in 'Gaby' in 7 reels. 2.30 and 7.15 p.m. performances, Art Acord in 'The White Horseman' episodes 4 and 5. Usual prices. Booking at the Theatre.