Thursday till Saturday at 5.30 & 9.15, Renee Bjorlsen [sic] in 'Quest of Happiness' [sic] and Harold Lloyd in 'Among Those Present.'
Tonight at 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., Renee Bjorling in 'In Quest of Happiness,' adapted from the famous novel by Dr. Selma Lagerlof.
In Quest of Happiness,' the film to be shown at the Star from tonight until Saturday, is a film that makes its appeal mainly through the excellence of its acting. The staging is comparatively modest, – in fact, the remarkable simplicity of the story and settings constitutes quite a novelty…
The Coronet: Today, Douglas Fairbanks in Robin Hood. Prices: 2.15 p.m., $1.20 and 60 cents; 5.15 and 9.15, $2.00 and $1.00. The Star: Renee Bjorlsen [sic] in 'In Quest of Happiness' and Harold Lloyd in 'Among Those Present.'
Thursday till Saturday at 5.30 and 9.15, Renee Bjorlsen [sic] in 'In Quest of Happiness' and Harold Lloyd in 'Among Those Present.'
The Coronet: Today, Douglas Farbanks [sic] in 'Robin Hood.' Prices: 2.15 p.m., $1.2 & 60 cents; At 5.15 & 9.15, $2 & $1. The Star: At 5.30 & 9.15, 'In Quest of Happiness,' and Harold Lloyd in 'Amongst Those Present' [sic].