Headline: Bijou
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1913-04-26 - 1913-04-29
Films screenings including 'The Rose of Kentucky', 'The Sense of Smell' (comic), 'Looking for A Job' (comic), 'The Bobbie and The Bow-bow' (comic), 'Inquisitive William' (comic) and 'The Scottish Fighlands' (scenic); Also screening of…
Headline: Bijou
Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1913-04-26 - 1913-04-29
Programme at 9:15 p.m. The American film-drama including 'The Rose of Kentucky'; and comics including 'The Sense of Smell,' 'Looking for a Job,' 'The Bobbie & the Bow-wow' and 'Inquisitive William.' News of the day included. Performance by…
Headline: Bijou
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1913-04-26 - 1913-04-29
Grand American drama, 'The Rose of Kentucky,' 'The Sense of Smell' (comic), 'Looking for a Job,' and 'The Bobbie & The Bow-Bow' (comic), Inquisitive William, and 'The Scottish Highlands' (scenic); 'News of the Day'; performance by…