Lucille Love and Keystone films are amusing and continue at the Victoria Theatre.
Several films will be shown on Friday at the Palisade, including 'Caprice,' acted by the Famous Players Co. featuring Mary Pickford. In addition, 'A Marriage for Money,' several Keystone films and Harry's Gazette. 'Sixty Years a Queen' is coming on Friday.
The Friday, Saturday and Sunday programme at the Victoria Theatre contained a most interesting variety of pictures, including the 7th and 8th episodes of Mr. Phillips Oppenheim's 'Black Box.' The Pathe Gazette and war pictures were extremely good, and there was a very jolly '…
Owing to the enormous success of the great serial film 'Neal of the Navy,' the management of this theatre has been able to make arrangements for its production. It will be exhibited in the following order: Three episodes and a Keystone Comedy on every change of programme, starting from…
Further episodes, the 9th, 10th, and 11th of 'Neal of the Navy' will be screened tonight with Keystone Comics, at the New Hongkong Cinematograph.
The new instalments of the popular film 'The Broken Coin' have been well received at the Bijou Theatre, some Keystone comics adding attractions. The 11th and 12th episodes will be shown tonight and tomorrow.
At the Victoria Theatre on Friday night, the first two episodes of the new serial 'The Red Circle' were shown and proved very exciting. Two war pictures were screened: 'Approaching the Second Line,' and 'The Battle of the Somme.' As comic relief, a new Wiffles film…
The popular film 'The Red Circle' continues to draw good houses at the Victoria Theatre. With it, during the weekend, were screened a new Pathe Gazette and 'The Battle of Champagne' and a couple of Keystone comics. Last night, there was again a good attendance, and on this…
The Iron Claw' is drawing crowded houses at the Victoria. The current programme contains the 7th and 8th episodes thereof, together with an excellent Pathe Gazette and two very instructive films 'The Cotton Industry' and 'A Visit to the Zoo.' In addition, there is an…
Tonight, the management of the Hongkong Theatre is showing the first and second episodes of the splendid film 'Peg O' the Ring.' In this capital picture there are no less than 15 episodes consisting of 30 parts, and picture-goers will be pleased to know that Lucille Love (Grace…
A cinema entertainment held in the Naval Dockyard last night was well attended. An excellent programme included mostly comics, a Keystone picture, featuring Sid Chaplin being most popular. 'A Shepherd of Souls' was absorbing. Lieutenant Bridges, R. N. R., kindly gave the performance,…
The chief attraction in the current programme of the Victoria Theatre is the remarkably fine film 'Thou Shalt Not Covet.' It is the work of James Oliver Curwood and comprises five parts of an intensely gripping character. A Keystone comedy is included in the programme and is…