Next change, Pauline Frederick, May McAvoy and Marie Prevost in 'Three Women.' After which will be shown Reginald Denny's 7-reel comedy thriller, 'Oh, Doctor!' in which this rising young star rivals Harold Lloyd at his best. Look out also for the return visit of '…
Oh Doctor,' starring Reginald Denny, with Mary Astor, a Universal-Jewel picture, Harry Leon Wilson's funniest story in the Saturday Evening Post. Today at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15. Illustration included.
Oh Doctor' starring Reginald Denny with Mary Astor, Universal Jewel. Harry Leon Wilson's funniest story in the Saturday Evening Post.
Coronet Theatre will be screening a comedy entitled 'Oh, Doctor!' this evening. The film features Reginald Denny who is known for his work in 'Sporting Youth' and 'The Reckless Age.' The cast also includes Mary Astor. This Universal studio attraction is presented by…
Oh Doctor!,' Reginald Denny's latest picture comes to the Coronet Theatre this evening. Also starring Mary Astor. Film plot included.
Give me a picture with a good laugh in it' is a remark often heard in Hongkong. 'Oh, Doctor!' which comes to the Coronet Theatre this evening as the feature attraction for the next few days, is a picture with not one good laugh, but a score of more good laughs. Film plot included…
Starting today, Carl Laemmle presents Reginald Denny in Harry Leon Wilson's feature, 'Oh, Doctor!' a Universal-Jewel production. Illustration included.
Coronet Theatre will be screening 'Oh, Doctor!' which promises to draw a huge audience despite bad weather.
Oh, Doctor!,' Reginald Denny's picture comes to the Coronet Theatre. His previous success was 'Sporting Youth' and 'The Reckless Age.' Also starring Mary Astor, who played opposite to him in this Universal-Jewel production. Carl Laemmle is the producer. Film plot…
Just the very picture for a wet weekend is 'Oh, Doctor!' which is showing at the Coronet Theatre today and tomorrow. 'Oh, Doctor!' is the first real comedy made by that dashing young screen actor, Reginald Denny, already famous for his clever work in such popular pictures as…
Reginald Denny in his latest and funniest film play 'Oh, Doctor' which places this popular star in the first rank with Harold Lloyd and Charlie Chaplin. By the way, have you patronised our mid-day movies yet?
Oh Doctor!,' Reginald Denny's picture is being shown at the Coronet Theatre for the last time. Also starring Mary Astor, who played opposite to him in this Universal-Jewel production. Carl Laemmle is the producer. Film plot included.
Mid-Day Movies today from 12 to 2. Reginald Denny in 'Oh, Doctor!' Last performances today and tomorrow at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15.
One of the most amusing that has ever come to Hongkong' is the general verdict on 'Oh, Doctor!' which is being screened in the Coronet Theatre again this evening, the season having been extended one day to meet the great demand for seats.
Oh, Doctor!' is being screened in the Coronet Theatre again this evening. Film plot included.
Such has been the success of 'Oh, Doctor!' in the Coronet Theatre during the past few days, that the management has decided to extend the run. 'Oh, Doctor!' is the first real comedy made by Reginald Denny and everyone who has seen it will hope that this versatile actor will…
Today and tomorrow at 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., for two days only, the film that has convulsed Hongkong, 'Oh, Doctor' with Reginald Denny, whose work you enjoyed in 'The Leather Pushers,' 'Sporting Youth' and 'The Reckless Age.' Also 'Casey Jones, Jr.,…
Today and tomorrow at 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., for two days only, 'Oh, Doctor!' with Reginald Denny, whose work you enjoyed in 'The Leather Pushers,' 'Sporting Youth' and 'The Reckless Age.' Also 'Casey Jones, Jnr,' a really funny Mermaid comedy.
Reginald Denny, whose work you have already enjoyed in 'The Leather Pushers,' 'Sporting Youth,' 'The Reckless Age' and 'Oh, Doctor,' you will be delighted with his latest high-speed comedy, 'The Fast Worker.'