The Coronet: Constance Talmadge in 'Dangerous Business,' a First National attraction, and Buster Keaton in 'One Week.' The Star: Tonight & Sat. at 5.30 & 9.15, Nell Shipman in 'The Girl from God's Country.' The Grand: Tonight only at 9.15 p.m., H. B.…
Constance Talmadge in 'Dangerous Business.' Together with Buster Keaton in 'One Week.'
The Coronet: Constance Talmadge in 'Dangerous Business,' a First National attraction, and Buster Keaton in 'One Week.' The Star: Tonight at 5.30 & 9.15, Nell Shipman in 'The Girl from God's Country.' The Grand: Tonight till Mon. at 9.15 p.m., Anita Stewart…
Connie [sic] Talmadge is capturing all hearts at the Coronet with her intriguing presentation of a spoilt beauty who plays with fire once too often. Of course, the film is humorous. Buster Keaton has a rough time in 'One Week.' He apparently is no more successful at home building than…
The Coronet: Last performances today at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 & 9.15, Constance Talmadge in 'Dangerous Business,' a First National attraction, and Buster Keaton in 'One Week.' The Star: Tonight at 5.30 & 9.15, Izako, Russian Court Conjurer and Grace Darmond in 'The…
Last performances today at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15 p.m., Constance Talmadge in 'Dangerous Business.' Together with Buster Keaton in 'One Week.'
The Coronet: Last day today at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 & 9.15, Laurette Taylor in 'Peg o' My Heart.' Illustration included. The Star: Tonight only at 5.30 & 9.15, Constance Talmadge in 'Dangerous Business,' and Buster Keaton in 'One Week.' The Grand: Tonight…
There is always a good show at Coronet: Last day today at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15 p.m., Laurette Taylor in 'Peg o' My Heart.' Illustration included. The Star: Tonight only at 5.30 and 9.15, Constance Talmadge in 'Dangerous Business' and Buster Keaton in 'One Week…
Kowloon residents have the chance tonight to see Constance Talmadge in what is said to be her best picture, 'Dangerous Business.' This is a comedy of the lively kind. Buster Keaton also appears in 'One Week.' Buster's face is familiar here by this time, and in 'One…
Today till Monday, another big 'double,' Grace Darmond in 'The Midnight Guest' and Buster Keaton in 'One Week' (it's better than 'The Boat').