Today till Saturday, a Benj. B. Hampton production, Zane Grey's 'The Man of the Forest,' with an all-star cast including Robert McKim, Claire Adams and Carl Gantvoort, produced by Benj. B. Hampton and his associates William H. Clifford, Elliott Howe, Jean Hensholt, supported by…
Carl Gantvoort makes one of the screen's finest romance heroes as he is seen at the World Theatre today in 'The Man of the Forest,' Benjamin B. Hampton's greatest photoplay of the novel by Zane Grey, in which he plays 'Milt Dale,' the title role. When Henry W.…
Thursday 20th to Saturday 1st December at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., 'The Man of the Forest' with Robert McKim, Claire Adams and Carl Gantvoort. Usual prices. Booking at the Theatre.
Robert McKim, Claire Adams and Carl Gantvoort in 'The Man of the Forest.'