Hongkong has had little cause to complain of lack of entertainment for many months past, yet through it all the Victoria and Bijou Cinemagraphs have maintained their own as attractions and seldom fail to draw large houses. At the Victoria, the Quealys made success, while the sisters Price were…
Mr. R. H. Stephenson, lessee and manager of the Bijou Scenic Theatre, is taking a benefit on Friday evening, May 2. Specially attractive programme is being arranged for the occasion. This week's programme including interesting pictures about jungle life in which African hunting scenes.…
The Victoria Theatre has been getting full houses with 'The Waifs,' a Gladys Hulette picture that appeals, and for a Wiffle comic. The Coronet Theatre is full every night also, Smith and Bella Jackson were the 'drawers.' The pictures are striking. The Hongkong Theatre has a…