Coming film screening of 'The Ohio Flood Disaster' and 'On The Steps of The Throne' (in 3 parts); Singing and dancing performances by Olga Montez and Kitty Raynor
A grand change of programme with all new pictures; performances by Montez and Raynor; Saturday 12th July, the great film 'The Ohio Flood Disaster'; the superb, modern military subject, entitled 'On the Steps of the Throne' (in three parts).
Films screening of 'The Litte Railroad Queen', 'The Ohio Flood Disaster'; Coming film: 'On The Steps of The Throne'; Singing and dancings performances by Olga Montes and Kitty Raynor
Change of programme including the great dramatic films 'The Little Railroad Queen' and 'The Ohio Flood Disaster'; performances by Montez and Raynor; watch for 'On the Steps of the Throne.'
Films screening of 'The Brother & Sister' (3 parts); Coming film: 'On The Steps of The Throne'; Singing and dancings performances by Olga Montes and Kitty Raynor
A change of programme on 15th & 16th, including the great dramatic film 'The Brother & Sister'; performances by Montez and Raynor; 'On the Steps of the Throne' on 19th July.
Coming film screening of 'On the Steps of the Throne'; Singing and dancings performances by Olga Montes and Kitty Raynor
Performance by Montez and Raynor at every evening; change of programme on 17th and 18th of July, including some very comic films; 'On the Steps of the Throne' on 19th; the grand dramatic film 'Countess Charlotte' next Tuesday.
Films screening of 'On the Steps of the Throne', 'Symshony in Black and White', 'His Wedding Day' and 'Critical Situation'; Performances by Olga Montez and Kitty Raynor
A special film entitled 'On the Steps of the Throne' is being shown at Victoria Theatre tonight. Some new comic pictures will also be shown. Miss Montez and Miss Raynor will supply new dances and songs.
The programme at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday to Monday is notable for excellent films to be exhibited. These include the superb military film 'On the Steps of the Throne' and several very good comics. Misses Olga Montez and Kitty Raynor are still entertaining the many patrons of…
Programme for 19th, 20th and 21st of July; the superb, modern military film 'On the Steps of the Throne'; the comic films, 'Symphony in Black & White,' 'His Wedding Day,' and 'Critical Situation'; performances by Montez and Raynor.
Films screening of 'The Restitution' and 'On the Steps of the Throne'; Performances by Olga Montez and Kitty Raynor
The Victoria and Bijou Theatres continue to draw fair houses notwithstanding the hot weather. By special request, the dramatic pictures 'On the steps of the Throne' is being reproduced at Victoria on Wednesday. Another very good production is the Eclair film 'The Restitution.…
The great production of 'Eclair,' entitled 'The Restitution' will be screened on Tues, Thur, and Fri; by special request, the modern military picture 'On the Steps of the Throne' will be shown again on Wednesday; performance by Montez and Raynor.
Screening of 'On the Steps of the Throne', Nordisk's 'A Girl Graduate' and Standard War Graphic
The new theatre draws large crowds. There will be a complete change of programme tonight and a new selection of music. 'On the Steps of the Throne,' a powerful Italian drama, 'A Girl Graduate,' Nordisk comedy drama and Standard War Graphic (war news) will be shown.
Tonight, Italian exclusive feature 'On the Steps of the Throne' in 4 parts; 'A Girl Graduate' by Nordisk in 2 parts; standard War Graphic (of the present time).
On the steps of the Throne' and 'A Girl Graduate' are being shown. The orchestra conducted by Professor Gonzalez is playing 'Cavalleria Rusticana.'