The first public performance given in Hongkong of Mr. T. Edison's invention – The Kinetophone, took place in the Theatre Royal last night. The new invention, in its remarkably life-like presentation of sounds and actions synchronising, is wonderful but by no means perfect. It displayed six…
A large number of people assembled at the Theatre Royal last night to witness the first demonstration in Hong Kong of Edison's latest invention Kinetophone, the union of moving picture with voice was pleasing and effective. The first item was a short description of the invention, given by a…
The Theatre Royal was crowded last night at the second demonstration of Thos. A. Edison's latest invention, the 'Kinetophone.' The demonstration consisted of 6 pieces: 'Julius Caesar'; Chimes of Normandy'; 'An Indian Girl's Revenge'; 'Jack's…
On Mar 16, the great historical and spectacular drama 'Salomba' [sic] in 6 parts, from the novel by Gustave Flaubert; Pathe's Gazette: 'The Great War Series' (D.18); Chaplin and Keystone comics; on Mar 20, 'Julius Caesar.'
Screening of 'Salambo', Pathe's Gazette, The Great War Series (D18), Chaplin and Keystone Comics; Coming film: 'Julius Caesar'
Tonight: Screening of 'Salambo', Pathe's Gazette, The Great War Series (D18), Chaplin and Keystone Comics; Coming film: 'Julius Caesar'
On Mar 20, 'Julius Caesar' in 4 parts, the world's greatest film play.
On Mar 20, 'Julius Caesar' in 4 parts, the world's greatest film play; Pathe's Gazette and various comics; great attractions for the weekend.
Screening of 'Julius Caesar', Pathe's Gazette and Various Comics
The programme featured a fine drama 'Salambo' depicting ancient Roman life, and also 'Julius Caesar.' The management intends to show the patriotism in a practical manner and the theatre will contribute a sum to War Charities.
Tonight: Screening of 'Julius Caesar', Pathe's Gazette and Various Comics
There was a very large house at the Victoria Theatre last night, the front row of the circle being occupied by the volunteers for the Front and their friends and the whole space behind the stalls by the men of the Shropshire Regiment, who were there by invitation of the management. It is…
Julius Caesar' is a splendid film with a well worked out story. Last night the management entertained a number of men of the Shropshires and an invitation has been issued to the men of the regiment to visit the theatre.
Just as there are some books which not to have read marks a defective education, so there are some plays which not to have seen shows lack of culture. Of these latter is 'Julius Caesar,' a magnificent film version of this most famous of all historical dramas will be screened at the…
Julius Caesar,' a magnificent film version of this most famous of all historical dramas will be screened at the Coronet, with a special musical accompaniment by an augmented orchestra. Booking at Robinson's. December 5 remarks: Max Linder in 'A Doctor Against His Will.'
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., 'Julius Caesar.' Max Linder in 'A Doctor Against His Will.' Usual prices. Booking at Robinson's. December 5 Remarks: On page 5, another ad. on 'Julius Caesar' only. With a special accompaniment by an augmented orchestra.
Many famous pictures have found the way to Coronet Theatre under the manager Mr. Ray's regime. Now they have wonderful 'Julius Caesar,' with special orchestra engaged. In addition, several other pictures, including Max Linder productions, will be provided in Coronet. The story of…
Julius Caesar' was screened at the Coronet last night. Film review included. The same picture is being screened again tonight.
Has the time come yet for a continuous performance theatre in Hongkong, similar to those in all the big cities of Europe and America? We wish to find out! On Wednesday, therefore, from 2.30 to 11.30 p.m., there will be a continuous performance. Tea and cakes will be served free to everyone…
There will be a continuous performance. Charlotte in 'The Frozen Warning,' Emily Stevens in 'The Wager,' Madame Petrova in 'Extravagance,' Harold Lockwood in 'The Haunted Pyjamas,' 'Sporting Life,' Norma Talmadge in 'Panthea,' Emmy…