Tonight, showing the final episodes of 'The Red Ace.' Also Universal Weekly (World's News) and comics. Wednesday, 3rd July, showing a great comedy in 5 parts, 'Mrs. Plum's Pudding.'
The final episode of 'The Red Ace,' including Universal Weekly (world's news) and comics tonight. A great comedy in 5 parts, 'Mrs. Plum's Pudding,' on Wednesday, 3rd July.
A great comedy in 5 parts, 'Mrs. Plum's Pudding,' on 3rd, 4th and 5th July. The new mystery serial, 'The Strange Case of Mary Page,' on Saturday, 6th July.
3rd, 4th and 5th July, screening a great comedy film in 5 parts, 'Mrs. Plum's Pudding,' etc. Saturday 6th July, see the new mystery serial, 'The Strange Case of Mary Page.'
The Hongkong Theatre management is now showing a five-part film entitled 'Mrs. Plum's Pudding.' The principal part is filled by Miss Marie Tempest, the photoplay star. Film plot is included in this article.
As 'The Red Ace' just completed its final episode, the management of the Hongkong Theatre hopes that another classical photo-play will soon forthcoming. Tomorrow a new programme will be shown, including 'Mrs Plum's Pudding.'
Pathe News No. 26. 'The Count of Monte Cristo,' final epoch 'The Punishment.' 'Mrs. Plum's Pudding' featuring Marie Tempest. Freedony and Vaudeville Co. is coming. Booking at Anderson's.
February 27 and 28, March 1 and 2, 9.15 p.m., Pathe News No. 26. 'The Count of Monte Cristo' final epoch ‘The Punishment.' Matinee Sunday, March 2 at 6 p.m., 'Mrs. Plum's Pudding' featuring Marie Tempest.
28th February, 1st and 2nd March at 9.15 p.m., Pathe News No. 28 and 'The Count of Monte Cristo,' final epoch. Matinee Sunday, 2nd March at 6 p.m., 'Mrs. Plum's Pudding' featuring Marie Tempest. Coming, Fredony and Vaudeville Co. Booking at Anderson's.