The Victoria Cinematograph in Des Voeux Road is going strong with showing entirely new films – a Love Story and Two Orphans being described by the management as particularly beautiful.
The Victoria Cinematograph continues to draw large audiences every evening. The pictures this week are up to their usual high-class standard and include 'The Two Pick-pockets,' 'The Gendarme has a keen eye,' 'Music and Poetry,' 'For a Crown.' 'The…
Tonight, William Fox presents Theda Bara in 'The Two Orphans,' a special feature in 8 parts. Usual prices.
The management of the Hongkong Theatre have pleasure in announcing that, in order to maintain their reputation for showing only the best films, they have booked 'The Two Orphans,' the most talked of film in the world, at enormous expense. Enormous gatherings throughout the world have…
Tonight, William Fox presents Theda Bara in 'The Two Orphans,' a special feature in 8 parts. Usual prices.
The Two Orphans,' the last magnificent production of William Fox which has been screened during the last four days at the Hongkong Theatre, has been drawing crowded houses. Today a new programme is issued including a splendid Triangle comedy entitled 'Indiscreet Corinne,' features…
A sensational drama 'Common Clay' is now screened at Hongkong Theatre. Tomorrow night in response to a special request, the management will show 'The Two Orphans.' On Saturday the programme will include a magnificent drama 'An Even Break,' with Olive Thomas in the…
Tonight, William Fox presents Theda Bara in 'The Two Orphans' in 8 parts.
The Two Orphans,' William Fox's production, has been so much appreciated that the management has decided to screen the picture again this evening. The picture, which features Theda Bara, is a most interesting and exciting one. A special Triangle drama entitled 'An Even Break…
Tonight, William Fox presents Theda Bara in 'The Two Orphans' in 8 parts.
At 5.15 & 9.15 only, Colleen Moore and Kenneth Harlan in 'April Showers.' Film poster included. At 2.30 & 7.15, 'The Two Orphans,' an all Chinese Shanghai film with complete English sub-titles.
Today's programme at 5.15 and 9.15, 'April Showers' starring Colleen Moore and Kenneth Harlan, a Preferred Picture. At 2.30 and 7.15, 'The Two Orphans,' another all-Chinese screen classic of life in and around the war-stricken but beautiful envious of Shanghai, played by…