17th, 18th, 19th and 20th May, showing the beautiful and gifted star, Marie Doro in 5 parts, 'Lost and Won' by Paramount. Also various comics. Wednesday 21st, Constance Collier in 5 parts, 'The Tongues of Men' by Paramount, a sparkling drama of love versus duty. Booking at…
May 17, 18, 19 and 20, showing the beautiful and gifted star Marie Doro in 'Lost and Won' (Paramount 5 parts). Also various Comics. Wednesday 21 st, Constance Collier in 'The Tongues of Men' (Paramount 5 parts), a sparkling drama of love versus duty. Booking at the Theatre.…
The attraction at the Hongkong is a Paramount feature in five parts, entitled 'Lost and Won,' and a cartoon comedy, of Col. Heeza Liar. On Wednesday, May 21, 'The Tongues of Men,' a sparkling drama will be screened.
Constance Collier, the famous London Star was in 'The Tongues of Men' which will appear in Hongkong Theatre on Wednesday. Another renowned novelist's romantic picture, 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens, will be screened on Saturday.
Commencing tomorrow the Hongkong Theatre is showing 'The Tongues of Men' a fine drama by Edward Childs Carpenter. Film plot included. Film version of Charles Dickens' 'Great Expectations' will be screened soon.
Charles Dickens' famous novel 'Great Expectations' will be screened this afternoon and tonight at the Hongkong Theatre, instead of 'The Tongues of Men' which has been put off.