Today, tomorrow and Monday at 2.30, 5 sharp, 7.15 and 9.15, Sunday at 6 and 9.15, ring up 1743 now and book. Harold Lloyd in 'Haunted Spooks'; Tom Moore and Mae Marsh in Goldwyn's delightful Xmas play, 'The Cinderella Man' by George Loane Tucker of 'Miracle Man…
Harold Lloyd in the most successful of hi $100,000 comedies 'Haunted Spooks.' Tom Moore and Mae Marsh in Goldwyn's delightful Xmas play, 'The Cinderella Man' by George Loane Tucker of 'Miracle Man' fame. The Coronet Review accompanied by the Coronet Jazz Band…
Today, tomorrow and Monday at 2.30 p.m., 5 sharp, 7.15 and 9.15, Sunday at 6 and 9.15, ring up 1743 now and book, Harold Lloyd in 'Haunted Spooks' and Tom Moore and Mae Marsh in Goldwyn's The Cinderella Man by George Loane Tucker of 'Miracle Man' fame. Also the Coronet…
The beautiful weather prevailing contributed to a most enjoyable series of Xmas celebrations. The places of amusement were crowded at all performances. The Coronet had four shows each day, and specially good pictures were thrown upon the screen. The 'star' pictures included '…
Screen vs. stage. In the big entertainment centres, there exist considerable differences of opinion as to the respective merits of screen and stage. We invite the public to be the judges as to whether the screen version does not invariably possess much higher entertainment value than the acted…
Today at 5.45 and 9.15, Mae Marsh and Tom Moore in 'The Cinderella Man.' Also ‘Snub' Comedy and Gazette.
Mae Marsh and Tom Moore in 'The Cinderella Man,' Snub Comedy and Gazette.
Tonight at 5.45 and 9.15, Mae Marsh and Tom Moore in 'The Cinderella Man.' Also Snub comedy and Gazette.
A Man and His Money' with Tom Moore and Seena Owen, a delightful Goldwyn comedy that will recall to your memory, 'Lord and Lady Algy,' 'Thirty a Week' and 'The Cinderella Man.' Also showing ‘Snub' Pollard in 'Cash Customers' and the Topical…
It is not often possible to put an as good a show as that at the Coronet tonight! And so convinced are we of this fact that we will cheerfully refund the admission price to anyone who can conscientiously tell us that he has not thoroughly enjoyed the show! First of all, you will hear the…
A Man and His Money' with Tom Moore and Serena [sic] Owen, a delightful Goldwyn comedy, that will recall to your memory, 'Lord and Lady Algy,' 'Thirty a Week' and 'The Cinderella Man.'
Like our competitors, we are showing tonight a 1919 production. But 1919 was a Goldwyn year and Tom Moore's greatest year! In 1919, Tom Moore working with Goldwyn produced 'Upstairs,' 'Lord and Lady Algy,' 'The Cinderella Man' and tonight's Coronet film…
The Coronet: Monday till Saturday, Douglas Fairbanks in 'When the Clouds Roll by,' Larry Semon Comedy and Topical Budget. Kowloon Theatre: Today only, 'The Cinderella Man' and 'Haunted Spooks.'
The Coronet: Mon. till Sat., Douglas Fairbanks in 'When the Clouds Roll By,' Larry Semon Company and Topical Budget. Kowloon Theatre: Today only, 'The Cinderella Man,' and 'Haunted Spooks.'
The Coronet: Today till Saturday, Douglas Fairbanks in When the Clouds Roll By, Larry Semon Comedy and Topical Budget. Kowloon Theatre: Tonight only, The Cinderella Man and Haunted Spooks.