Tonight, the perfect programme: British Gazette No. 445 with all the news from home; 'The On-the-Square Girl,' the finest 5-part film ever shown in the far east; 'Luke and the Wild Woman' [sic], in 2 parts.
Tonight, 'The On-the-Square Girl,' a story of New York's fast set and of one girl who was on the Square; 'Luke and the Wild Woman' [sic]; British Gazette No. 445. Booking at Anderson's.
All comedy programme, George Walsh in 'The Yankee Way' and Harold Lloyd in 'Luke and the Wild Women.'
Tonight, all comedy programme, George Walsh in 'The Yankee Way' and Harold Lloyd in 'Luke and the Wild Women.'
March 4th and 5th 1919, Gladys Hulette in 'The Streets of Illusion.' Also 'Luke's Wild Women' and British Gazette No. 491. Booking at Robinson's.
Tonight, Gladys Hulette in 'The Streets of Illusion.' Also 'Luke's Wild Women' and British Gazette No. 491. Booking at Robinson's.
March 4 and 5, 1919, Gladys Hulette in 'The Streets of Illusion.' Also showing 'Luke's Wild Women' and British Gazette No. 491. Booking at Robinson's.