Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15, the biggest picture of the year, 'Sirens of the Sea,' the picture beautiful suggested by the legend of the Lorelei. Prices slightly increased.
Universal-Jewel presents the superb production, 'Sirens of the Sea.' October 3 Remarks: The biggest picture of the year commencing tonight. It features Louise Lovely and even bigger than 'A Daughter of the Gods.'
The weekend programme to be shown at the Hongkong Theatre includes a fine drama entitled 'Sirens of the Sea,' a Universal Jewel production. This picture is even superior to the celebrated 'Daughter of the Seas,' the leading parts being taken by Louis Lovely, Carmel Myers and…
Today's programme at the Hongkong Theatre includes a dramatic piece entitled 'Sirens of the Sea,' featuring Louise Lovely, Barmel [sic] Myers and Jack Murray. A fine comedy is also screened.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15, Universal-Jewel presents the super production 'Sirens of the Sea.' Prices increased.