Pathe Phono Cinema Chine Co., has secured the exclusive rights for China and Indo-China of Charlie Chaplin films. The contract is made for the eight pictures. Up to now only two films have been produced, they are 'Shoulder Arms' and 'A Dog's Life.' The company are…
We learn that the Pathe Phono Cinema Chine Co. has secured at an enormous price the exclusive rights for China and Indo-China of the one million dollars Charlie Chaplin films. Up to now two films only have been produced, they are 'Shoulder Arms' and 'A Dog's Life,' the…
Messrs. Pathe Freres, who own the rights for China of Million Dollar Chaplin Films, has received the first Million Dollar production entitled 'A Dog's Life' and will exhibit it in the Colony shortly.
No film has had greater success in Hongkong than the second Million Dollar Chaplin film 'Shoulder Arms.' Cinema-goers will be pleased to know that the Pathe Co., who own the rights for China for those films, announces that the First Million Dollar production entitled 'A Dog's…
A few people witnessed a private showing of new Charlie Chaplin's film 'A Dog's Life' at Messrs Pathe yesterday afternoon. It will show for the first time on Monday, May 19 at the Victoria Theatre.
In the second of the Charlie Chaplin Million Dollar series, to be shown at the Victoria Theatre, commencing on Monday, May 19th. Messrs Pathe Freres will provide a film which shows Charlie in somewhat of a departure from his usual role. The picture is entitled 'A Dog's Life.' Film…
The second of the Carlie Chaplin Million Dollar series is billed to be shown at Victoria Theatre, entitled 'A Dog's Life.' The first is 'Shoulder Arms' and the third is 'Sunny Side.' Film synopsis included.
Get ready for the roar on May 19th, 'A Dog's Life.' Booking at Anderson's. Prices $1.50, $1.00 and 70 cents.
Get ready for the roar on May the Nineteenth, 'A Dog's Life.' Booking at Anderson's. May 19-23 remarks: Charlie Chaplin's first million dollar picture, 'A Dog's Life.' Under his contract with the First National Exhibitors' Circuit Co., of New York.…
Tonight, Charlie Chaplin's first million-dollar picture, 'A Dog's Life.' Note: the million-dollar Chaplin series are absolutely the latest Chaplin productions produced by himself under his famous contract with the First National Exhibitors' Circuit Co. of New York. We…
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 9.15 p.m., the biggest attraction on the screen today, Charlie Chaplin in 'A Dog's Life.' Also Toto in 'Nipped in the Bud.' Tuesday and Wednesday, Mrs. Vernon Castle in 'Mark of Cain.' Booking at Anderson's.
The Biggest Attraction on the screen today is Charlie Chaplin in his first million dollar comedy 'A Dog's Life.' Toto in 'Nipped in the Bud.' Mrs. Vernon Castle in 'Mark of Cain.' Booking at Anderson's. May 22 remarks: Harold Lloyd in 'Bride and Gloom…
In Victoria Theatre, Charlie Chaplin's million dollar picture 'A Dog's Life' will be screened. A new superb serial has been started, which entitled as 'Hands Up,' featuring Ruth Roland the popular Pathe Star. For the weekend, the first two episodes of this picture…
Tonight 9.15 p.m., the first million-dollar picture, 'A Dog's Life,' three reels of Charlie at his best. Prices $1.50, $1.00 and 70 cents. Booking at Anderson's. Illustration included.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9.15 p.m., the biggest attraction on the screen today, Charlie Chaplin in his first million-dollar comedy, 'A Dog's Life.' There are as many laughts as the pup in this picture has fleas. Toto in 'Nipped in the Bud.' Tonight 7.15 p.m., Mrs.…
Charlies Chaplin's 'A Dog's Life' is shown in Victoria Theatre. This article is a review of the film.
Tonight at 9.15 p.m., Charlie Chaplin in 'A Dog's Life.' Also Harold Lloyd in 'Bride and Groom' [sic] and 'Hands Up' episode 4. Booking at Anderson's. May 24 Remarks: Today's matinee at 2.15 and 5.15 p.m., 'Hands Up' episodes 3 and 4.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 9.15 p.m., 3 nights only, great Pathe Gold Rooster production, A. H. Woods presents Peggy Hyland in 'The Other Woman' in 5 parts. Also American Gazette 36. Wednesday, matinee 28th, May at 5.15 p.m., Charlie Chaplin in 'A Dog's Life.'…
A great production, Peggy Hyland in 'The Other Woman.' A great production adapted from A. M. Wood's famous dramatic success. Booking at Anderson's. May 26-28 remarks: Great Pathe Gold Rooster Production. American Gazette 86. Matinee: Charlie Chaplin in 'A Dog's Life…
Owing to the insistent demands of patrons, Victoria Theatre will provide screening of Charlie Chaplin's 'A Dog's Life' again on Wednesday, and also Pathe's Gazette. Tonight 'The Other Woman' will be on board and on Thursday, episodes 5 and 6 of 'Hands Up…