The Coronet: at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15, Goldwyn presents Geraldine Farrar in 'The Hell Cat' and ‘Snub' Pollard in 'Doing Time.' The Kowloon: at 9.15 p.m., Harold Lloyd in 'Get Out and Get Under.' Also Mitchell Lewis in 'The Last of His People.'…
The Coronet: At 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 & 9.15, Goldwyn presents Geraldine Farrar in 'The Hell Cat' and Snub Pollard in 'Doing Time.' The Kowloon: Tonight at 9.15, Harold Lloyd in 'Get Out and Get Under' and Mitchell Lewis in 'The Last of His People.'
At 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15, Goldwyn presents Geraldine Farrar in 'The Hell Cat' and Snub Pollard in 'Doing Time' at the Coronet. Tonight at 9.15, Harold Lloyd in 'Get Out and Get Under' and Mitchell Lewis in 'The Last of His People' at the Kowloon.
At the Coronet yesterday, the first screening of a fine production featuring Geraldine Farrar was given. The story as suggested by its title of 'The Hell Cat' was of a usually free character, dealing with the primitive passions of certain cattlemen whose rivalry with their neighbours,…
Clara Kimball Young in 'The Forbidden Woman,' in 7 reels. Usual prices. May 3-4 Remarks: Illustration included. May 5 Remarks: Today at 2.30, tomorrow at 6 & 9.15, Geraldine Farrar in 'The Hell Cat.'
Today at 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., Clara Kimball Young in 'The Forbidden Woman.' Today at 2.30, tomorrow at 6 and 9.15, Geraldine Farrar in 'The Hell Cat.'
Today at 5.30 and 9.15, Clara Kimball Young in The Forbidden Woman. Today at 2.30, tomorrow at 6 and 9.15, Geraldine Farrar in The Hell Cat.