A recent contract signed by Mary Pickford made her the costliest star in all filmdom. The contract is with the First National Exhibitors' Circuit, the organization which recently raised Charlie Chaplin to what at that time was the crowning salary height. The contract will make Miss Pickford…
Pathe Phono Cinema Chine Co., has secured the exclusive rights for China and Indo-China of Charlie Chaplin films. The contract is made for the eight pictures. Up to now only two films have been produced, they are 'Shoulder Arms' and 'A Dog's Life.' The company are…
We learn that the Pathe Phono Cinema Chine Co. has secured at an enormous price the exclusive rights for China and Indo-China of the one million dollars Charlie Chaplin films. Up to now two films only have been produced, they are 'Shoulder Arms' and 'A Dog's Life,' the…
The film that everybody is talking about: 'Shoulder Arms,' featuring Charlie Chaplin. Picture included.
The film that everybody is talking about 'Shoulder Arms' commencing Thursday at the Victoria.
The film that everybody is talking about. Charlie in his second million-dollar picture, 'Shoulder Arms.' Illustration included.
Charlie Chaplin's second million dollar picture 'Shoulder Arms' is showing at the Victoria Theatre. Film synopsis included.
Tonight at 9.15 p.m., a comedy night: Charlie Chaplin in 'Shoulder Arms,' 3 reels of greatest fun; Harold Lloyd in 'An Ozark Romance'; Toto, the mobile man in 'An Enemy of Soap.' Prices, $1.50, $1.00 and 70 cents. Matinee, Sunday 30th March at 6 p.m., 'Shadow…
Tonight at 9.15 p.m., Chaplin in 'Shoulder Arms,' his second million-dollar picture. Everybody has heard about it, so the picture doesn't need any description. Price details and illustration included. March 31 Remarks: Another ad. on page 12.
Tonight, Chaplin is still handling those swift ones to the KAISER in 'Shoulder Arms.' His second million dollar picture. Price details included.
A comedy night, Charlie Chaplin in 'Shoulder Arms.' Harold Lloyd in 'An Ozark Romance.' Toto-the Mobile Man in 'An Enemy of Soap.' 'Shadow and Sunshine' featuring Baby Marie Osborne. Booking at Anderson's.
With commendable enterprise the management of the Victoria Theatre has secured the well-known Chaplin film 'Shoulder Arms.'
Tonight 9.15 p.m., a comedy night, Charlie Chaplin in 'Shoulder Arms,' 2 reels of greatest fun. Harold Lloyd in 'An Ozark Romance.' Toto, the mobile man, in 'An Enemy of Soap.' Prices $1.50, $1.00 and 70 cents. Matinee. Sunday, March 30th at 6 p.m., 'Shadow and…
Last night at the Victoria Theatre Charlie Chaplin's Million Dollar masterpiece 'Shoulder Arms' was shown. Plot and production details had been included.
There was a crowded house again last night at the Victoria Theatre to witness the latest Charlie Chaplin film, 'Shoulder Arms.' In this picture we have a combination of the usual comicalities of Chaplin combined with incidents in the trenches which give me a humorous idea as to what…
3 more nights, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 9.15 p.m., Charlie Chaplin in his second million picture, 'Shoulder Arms.' Also the Dorros in new songs and dances. Booking at Anderson's.
3 more nights, Charlie Chaplin in his second million dollar picture 'Shoulder Arms.' The Dorros in new songs and dances. Booking at Anderson's.
Charlie Chaplin in his second million dollar picture 'Shoulder Arms.' This has proved to be a great success.
Charlie Chaplin in his second million-dollar picture, 'Shoulder Arms.' This has proved to be a great success.
3 more nights, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9.15 p.m., Charlie Chaplin in his second million picture, 'Shoulder Arms.' The Dorros in new song and dances. Booking at Anderson's.