Following 'The Haunted Pyjamas,' a laughable 5-part comedy featuring Harold Lockwood, the Coronet is screening another picture entitled 'Sporting Life,' which is based on the well-known Drury Lane melodrama of the same name. More particulars about this picture are obtainable…
The dramatic event of the season, 'Sporting Life' at the Coronet, of course.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Paramount Art Craft's big production, 'Sporting Life' in 7 parts. Usual prices. Booking at Robinson's.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., the dramatic event of the season, H. W. Ray presents the Paramount-Art Craft special production, 'Sporting Life,' a most realistic interpretation of the famous old melodrama in 7 parts. Illustration included.
H. W. Ray presents the Paramount-Artcraft special production 'Sporting Life.' A most realistic interpretation of the famous old Drury Lane melodrama in 7 parts. October 9 remarks: Booking at Robinson's.
Tonight at the Coronet, the five-screen version of the famous Drury Lane melodrama 'Sporting Life' is to be shown. This splendid film has had a phenomenal run in London and New York, and there is no doubt whatever that it will make an instant appeal to patrons of the Coronet.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Paramount Art Crafts big production, 'Sporting Life' in 7 parts. Usual prices. Booking at Robinson's. October 9 Remarks: On page 5, H. W. Ray presents 'Sporting Life.' Illustration included. October 11 Remarks: On page 5, today at 5.15 and…
The picture which is a film version of the famous old Drury Lane melodrama of the same name, directed by Maurice Tourneur, was screened at the Coronet for the first time last night. Details of the film are mentioned in this article with some quotes from the film critic Edward Wenzel.
Everyone who has not seen the famous old Drury Lane Melodrama 'Sporting Life' should go to the Coronet tonight to see it on the screen. Mr. Ray informs us he has more first-class pictures including 'Haunted Pyjamas' and 'The Blue Streak.'
‘What a ripping picture! Another Coronet success! Best film I've ever seen! Beats even 'Hearts of the World'!' These are a few of the nice things people are saying about 'Sporting Life.' Today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., tomorrow at 6 and 9.15 p.m. Usual prices.
The Coronet was absolutely packed to the doors last evening when 'Sporting Life' was shown for the second night.
Sporting Life.' Come and see this triumph of old Drury and the cinematographic art tonight.
There are still enough cinemagoers in Hongkong who have not yet seen 'Sporting Life' to comfortably fill the Coronet tonight. May we appeal to those who have seen and enjoyed it to send the others along.
Tonight marks the last performance of one of the best pictures ever seen in Hongkong 'Sporting Life.'
Today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Lionel Barrymore in 'The Brand of Cowardice.' Also 'There's Many a Slip.' At 7.15 p.m., 'Sporting Life.'
Tonight we are showing Lionel Barrymore in a typical Metro wonderplay 'The Brand of Cowardice.' Also, another of those fine Christie comedies. On Thursday, we shall present Frank Keenan in 'The Master Man.' January 5 remarks: At 7.15 p.m. 'Sporting Life.' '…
Today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Lionel Barrymore in 'The Brand of Cowardice.' Also 'There's Many a Slip,' and at 7.15 p.m. 'Sporting Life.'
Has the time come yet for a continuous performance theatre in Hongkong, similar to those in all the big cities of Europe and America? We wish to find out! On Wednesday, therefore, from 2.30 to 11.30 p.m., there will be a continuous performance. Tea and cakes will be served free to everyone…
There will be a continuous performance. Charlotte in 'The Frozen Warning,' Emily Stevens in 'The Wager,' Madame Petrova in 'Extravagance,' Harold Lockwood in 'The Haunted Pyjamas,' 'Sporting Life,' Norma Talmadge in 'Panthea,' Emmy…
Shameen, tomorrow. The great Drury Lane drama, 'Sporting Life' in 8 parts.