Today to Saturday at 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., Pioneer Film Co. presents Grace Davison and Conway Tearle in 'Atonement,' from Leo Tolstoy's novel. Change of programme: Sunday, 6 and 9.15 p.m.; Monday, 5.30 and 9.15 p.m. 'Johnny Get Your Gun,' a Paramount special.
Screen for two nights only, 'Atonement,' the film picturization of Count de Tolstoy's novel.
Today to Saturday at 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., Pioneer Film Co. present Grace Davison & Conway Tearle in 'Atonement' from Leo Tolstoi's [sic] novel. Change of programme, Sunday: 6 & 9.15 p.m.; Monday: 5.30 & 9.15 p.m. 'Johnny Get Your Gun,' a Paramount special.…
Star Theatre is going to screen the film version of Count Tolstoi's novel 'Atonement,' for two days.
Count Tolstoi's novel, 'Atonement,' comes to the Star Theatre in picture form. On Sunday, 'Johnny Get Your Gun,' featuring Fred Stone, will be shown.