Tonight, Pathe presents Virginia Pearson in 'Impossible Catherine,' a dramatic farce-comedy in five parts. Also the Bros. Graydon, light comedy duo, entertainers to the British expeditionary force in France, now touring in the East will appear in their latest songs. Come along in…
Tonight at 9.15 p.m., the Bros. Graydon, light comedy duo, in their latest songs. Virginia Pearson and Sheldon Lewis in 'Impossible Catherine.' Matinee at 5.15 p.m., 'Impossible Catherine.' Booking at Anderson's. February 28 Remarks: Matinee tomorrow at 6 p.m., Mabel…
Tonight, Pathe presents Virginia Pearson in 'Impossible Catherine.' Also, The Bros. Graydon, 'Light Comedy Duo.' Booking at Anderson's. February 26 remarks: Virginia Pearson and Sheldon Lewis in 'Impossible Catherine.'
In 'Impossible Catherine,' the Virginia Pearson picture showing today at the Victoria Theatre, William B. Davidson is one of those fighting heroes. Since his return to civilian life he has completed four pictures with Theda Bara, and Miss Pearson's 'Impossible Catherine.…
Tonight at 9.15 p.m., the Bros Graydon, 'Light comedy duo,' in their latest songs. Also Virginia Pearson and Sheldon Lewis in 'Impossible Catherine.' Matinee at 5.15 p.m., 'Impossible Catherine.' Booking at Anderson's. February 28 Remarks: Matinee tomorrow at 6…
Virginia Pearson's 'Impossible Catherine' is showing at the Victoria Theatre. It is a comedy from the pen of Frank S. Beresford, and featuring Sheldon Lewis. Film synopsis included.
The Bros. Graydon 'Light Comedy Duo' in their latest songs. Virginia Pearson and Sheldon Lewis in 'Impossible Catherine.' Mabel Normand in 'Mickey.' Booking at Anderson's.