Great attraction at the Vic: for the weekend: on Friday, Exposition Film (2 parts) and 'A Traitor to His Country' (3 parts); on Saturday, Exposition Film (2 parts) and Battling Britishers (3 parts); on Sunday, Exposition film (2 parts) and 'Theodora' (3 parts); on Monday,…
Films screenings including 'A Traitor to His Country', 'Battling Britshers', 'Theodora' and 'Sir Highwayman'; Screening of Pathe's Gazette; Keystone comic: 'Bathing Beauty' and 'A Scream'
On Feb 16-18, two powerful dramas, 'A King's Romance' in 4 parts, and 'The Fatal Grotto' in 2 parts; on Feb 19, exclusive feature, 'Theodora.'
The current programme at the Bijou Theatre is a most interesting one, and includes two thrilling film dramas 'A King's Romance' and 'The Fatal Grotto.' tomorrow, there will be a complete change of programme, when the great historical drama 'Theodora' will be…
On Feb 19, Italian dramatic feature Theodora in 6 parts; also see comics - 'Tweedledum's Mother,' 'The Violin Scraper' [sic], and 'An Author's Conquests.'