Recently Robert Louis Stevenson's 'Treasure Island' was produced at great expense in America as a film play, and both the negative and copies were taken by the Fox Film Co. back to England, but unfortunately the negatives have been smuggled.
The Last of the Mohicans,' adapted from Fenimore Cooper's novel and directed by Maurice Tourneur, is being shown at the Coronet Theatre today. Besides, it is stated that the audiences who remember Maurice Tourneur's work in 'Treasure Island' will be able to picture for…
Sunday and Monday, matinee and night, a big double show: Jack Hoxie in 'The Phantom Horseman' and Jackie Coogan in 'Trouble.' Coming soon, 'Enemies of Women.' October 20 Remarks: Starting tomorrow, Stevenson's thrilling story, 'Treasure Island.'
Jack Hoxie in 'The Phantom Horseman,' and Jackie Coogan in 'Trouble.' Starting tomorrow, Stevenson's 'Treasure Island.' Also, 'Enemies of Women' is coming soon.
Today Jack Hoxie and Jackie Coogan appear in a double bill, the latter in 'Trouble.' Lon Chaney in 'Treasure Island' will be shown. Reginald Denny takes the centre in 'Sporting Youth' for Thursday.
Last time today at 5.30 and 9.15, the big double show for the single price. Jack Hoxie in 'The Phantom Horseman' and Jackie Coogan in 'Trouble.' Starting tomorrow, Stevenson's thrilling story 'Treasure Island.' Coming soon, 'Enemies of Women.'
This evening's programme at the Star Theatre is a little out of the ordinary. It includes two films of superlative merit in which appear Jack Hoxie and Jackie Coogan. Hoxie is deemed the most daring horseman known for a long time, and in 'The Phantom Horseman,' Hoxie does some…
Lon Chaney & Shirley Mason in 'Treasure Island.' Starting Thursday, Reginald Denny in 'Sporting Youth.'
Tuesday and Wednesday at 5.30 and 9.15, Lon Chaney and Shirley Mason in Stevenson's thrilling South Sea Island story, 'Treasure Island.' Starting Thursday, Reginald Denny in 'Sporting Youth.'
Tuesday and Wednesday at 5.30 and 9.15, Lon Chaney and Shirley Mason in Stevenson's 'Treasure Island.' Starting Thursday, Reginald Denny in 'Sporting Youth.'
Lorna Doone,' a film based on Blackmore's famous novel, opens at the Queen's Theatre today. Critics declare that 'Lorna Doone' far outstrip even 'Treasure Island' and 'The Bluebird.'
Heralded by critics throughout the country as Maurice Tourneur's 'greatest masterpiece,' 'Lorna Doone' opens at the Queen's Theatre today. Tourneur's fictionalization of Blackmore's novel has attracted worldwide attention. Critics declare that 'Lorna…
Lorna Doone' is now being shown at the Queen's Theatre to crowded houses. Cinema-goers of this Colony have been impressed with Maurice Tourner's [sic] remarkable version of R. D. Blackmore's novel. Maurice Tourneur has earned a reputation as an educator in the film industry…