Today and tomorrow, First National Pictures present Dorothy Gish and Richard Barthelmess in Joseph Hergesheimer's 'The Bright Shawl.' A John S. Robertson production in 8 reels. March 16 remarks: Coming! Murray, the Handcuff King. March 17 remarks: Katherin [sic] MacDonald in…
Today and tomorrow only, a First National Pictures presents Dorothy Gish and Richard Barthelmess in Joseph Hergesheimer's flaming romance of Latin love and Spanish hate, 'The Bright Shawl,' a John J. [sic] Robertson production. Coming, Murray, the Handcuff King. March 14 Remarks:…
Today positively last shows at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15 p.m., First National Pictures presents Dorothy Gish and Richard Barthelmess in 'The Bright Shawl,' a John S. Robertson production. Tomorrow at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., first appearance in Hongkong, Murray, the handcuff king. Also…
Tomorrow at 5.15 and 9.15, a big double attraction, a splendid picture and a first-class vaudeville act. First appearance of Murray, the Australian handcuff king featuring '$5000 Trunk Mystery' and many other tricks. Also showing Katherine MacDonald in 'The Beautiful Liar,' a…
First appearance of Murray, the Australian Handcuff King featuring 'The $5000 Trunk Mystery.' Also, showing Katherin [sic] MacDonald in 'The Beautiful Liar,' a First National attraction.
Katherine MacDonald, known internationally as 'The American Beauty,' plays a dual role in her latest picture 'The Beautiful Liar,' an Associated First National attraction which is showing at the Queen's Theatre. A special attraction by Murray, the young Handcuff King and…
Today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., first appearance of Murray, the Australian handcuff king featuring 'The $5000 Trunk Mystery' and other tricks. Also showing Katherine MacDonald in 'The Beautiful Liar,' a First National picture. Prices of admission: at 5.15 and 9.15, $1.50, $1.00…
Wednesday to Saturday, March 18th to 21st at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., first appearance of Murray, the Australian Handcuff King featuring 'The $5000 Trunk Mystery.' Also showing Katherine MacDonald in 'The Beautiful Liar,' a First National picture. Prices of admission: at 5.15 and…
Large and appreciative audiences greet Murray, the famous Australian Handcuff King, and Escapologist when he made his bow last night at the Queen's Theatre. The Picture programme is a First National picture entitled 'The Beautiful Liar,' featuring Katherine MacDonald.
Large and appreciative audiences greeted Murray, the famous Australian handcuff expert and escapologist when he made his bow last night at the Queen's Theatre. His feature trick, called 'The $5000 Trunk Mystery' was the piece de resistance. The picture programme is headed by a…
For Friday and Saturday, Murray, the Australian Handcuff King. Also, showing Katherin [sic] MacDonald in 'The Beautiful Liar,' a First National attraction. March 21 remarks: Mae Murray in 'Fascination.'
Murray continues to entertain audiences at the Queen's Theatre. Today and tomorrow, the theatre will be screening 'The Beautiful Liar' featuring Miss MacDonald who is famous for her performances in 'Passion's Playground,' 'My Lady's Latchkey,' '…
Murray, the great Australian Handcuff King and Escapecologist continues to perform at Queen's Theatre. Miss Katherine MacDonald, with previous work included 'Passion's Playground,' 'My Lady's Latchkey,' 'Stranger Than Fiction,' now plays a dual role…
Murray continues to mystify audiences at the Queen's Theatre. Miss MacDonald, who will be remembered by hundreds of thousands of film fans for her work in 'Passion's Playground,' 'My Lady's Latchkey,' 'Stranger Than Fiction' and other well-known…
Murray, the Australian handcuff King, concludes a four days' engagement at the Queen's Theatre tonight. The theatre will also be screening a First National picture entitled 'The Beautiful Liar' in the same programme.
Murray, the Australian handcuff king, concludes a few days engagement at the Queen's Theatre. There is also First National picture entitled 'The Beautiful Liar,' featuring Katherine MacDonald, shown today.
Today only at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., the most sentimental acts ever presented in Hongkong, Murray in 'Australian Figure 8 Irons' and 'Challenge Rope Tie-Up,' and many other new tricks. Also showing Katherine MacDonald in 'The Beautiful Liar.' Tomorrow (Sunday) at 6.00…
Murray, the Australian escapologist on a world tour, concludes a four days' engagement at the Queen's Theatre tonight. There is also a First National picture entitled 'The Beautiful Liar' shown in the same programme. Katherine MacDonald, the American beauty, plays two parts…