Today at 5 sharp and 9.15 is positively your last chance of seeing in Hongkong, Douglas Fairbanks presents 'The Three Musketeers.' Tomorrow at all performances, Thos. H. Ince presents 'Homespun Folks' and Vitagraph offers Larry Semon in a great 2-part comedy, 'The Bell…
The great Thos. Ince film, 'Homespun Folks,' a First National picture. It is in the same class as 'Way Down East.' We are also screening Larry Semon in his latest two-part comedy, 'The Bell Hop.'
The great Thos. Ince film, 'Homespun Folks,' a First National attraction. It is in the same class as 'Way Down East.' Also screening Larry Semon in 'The Bell Hop.'
Tonight, the great Thos. H. Ince production, 'Homespun Folks,' and Larry Semon in 'The Bell Hop.' On Sunday, Pathe presents Joseph J. Dowling in 'The Sin of Martha Queed.' On Monday, George Arliss in 'Disraeli.'
The Coronet: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Homespun Folks and Larry Semon in 'The Bell Hop.' Kowloon Theatre: Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 5.45 and 9.15, 'The Sin of Martha Queed.' Slightly increased prices.